Young women are sheep. A large amount of them have no politics but whatever the nearest alpha male has.
I can tell you from experience if they are into you enough, their "politics" melt away into yours quite quickly. They don't have principles, only obstacles they secretly want you to break through.
Lotto tickets probably have a better win rate.
Lotto you only gotta win once. Women you gotta win 5+ times to have a decent chance, and then win everyday until you die.
55% chance to find a woman with agreeable politics.
Of those, the majority are older women, let's say 20% of those are young enough to be marriageable and give you a child.
11% chance to just find one.
Young women are sheep. A large amount of them have no politics but whatever the nearest alpha male has.
I can tell you from experience if they are into you enough, their "politics" melt away into yours quite quickly. They don't have principles, only obstacles they secretly want you to break through.
Hmm, I have a much less charitable way to describe them changing.
I consider it a sort of predatory move, where they put on the "correct" persona to attract an unwitting victim.
Maybe I think in politics too much, but backstabbing and false friendship is very much a leftist trait.
See also : every post-wall woman becoming a church girl.