I'll take "sentences that will never be said about any other global religion" for $1,000, Alex.
Alex? You still there?
Anyways, when they first announced this game, I was confused. How exactly are players supposed to feel like heroes when they are taking on the role of murderous invaders pillaging and destroying innocent towns for profit? Was this supposed to be an edgy game where you play the bad guys?
Then I realized that the "innocent towns" in this game are white Christian towns, and the majority of the world doesn't give two shits about destroying them. That's been the program for hundreds of years now. As of our most recent election, it looks like a majority of Americans are on board, too.
Last I checked, you're not supposed to be killing any civilians in these games, only targets or those that are naturally hostile against you, like guards. Now I don't know if it's the case with the more recent games, but Assassin's Creed isn't Grand Theft Auto; you can't go on killing sprees. Doing so gets you a game over. But then what do you expect from a game's journalist these days?
The review actually addresses this dissonance. You can't kill civilians in Valhalla, but you burn down their livelihood. Besides, I'm guessing just about every able bodied man in the village is an "enemy combatant" in those times.
My original point: you would never see a game journo pining for the "realism" of murdering Muslims or Jews.
Hmmmmmmm, curiouser and curiouser. I wonder if this has any real world parallels? Nah, probably me being paranoid.
Its strange this guy has a problem with these rules, since this is the ruleset that Antifa operate under. "We aren't going to kill you, but we will make sure you are left with nothing." You'd think he'd be right at home.
They definitely kill people. Over 30 people died in the riots so far.
Which is why when people trot out that study that says that only right-wing political activists kill people, and the left never does, you know it's bogus.
We've had plenty games about murdering Muslims before the "globalists" decided it wasnt PC anymore, then they changed it to Ruskies. The latter on the other hand....
Can you name any of those? I've been playing games for a long time and I can't say that murdering believers of any real-life religion has been a very common theme.
Huh. Sounds like the game does a lot of jumping through hoops in trying to make Vikings the good guys without actually changing what they did.
No they definitely wouldn't. And they'd condemn any game that even let you do either of those things.
I'm wondering if this isn't the same reviewer(s) that complained that "horse riding" in Ancestors was "no good".