I never understood how they could deal with the inherent conflicts in their world view. They say, "Hey straight dudes, you can show more emotion. No one is going to think you're gay for doing it." Then this comes along and it's, "This guy showed emotion while interacting with his daughter! He must be gay!"
On top of that, they don't get the idea of the bond of brotherhood that forms between guys that are friends. Case in point: Captain America and Winter Soldier. That's a pairing that spawned a million slashfics, all because they don't get the concept of guys who are in wartime together being willing to die for each other. Nope. In their warped heads if one dude cares about the welfare of another dude, they must be gay.
I never understood how they could deal with the inherent conflicts in their world view. They say, "Hey straight dudes, you can show more emotion. No one is going to think you're gay for doing it." Then this comes along and it's, "This guy showed emotion while interacting with his daughter! He must be gay!"
On top of that, they don't get the idea of the bond of brotherhood that forms between guys that are friends. Case in point: Captain America and Winter Soldier. That's a pairing that spawned a million slashfics, all because they don't get the concept of guys who are in wartime together being willing to die for each other. Nope. In their warped heads if one dude cares about the welfare of another dude, they must be gay.