Aside from equality, women's rights is probably one of the most effective con job that was never questioned. Raise some concerns and you'll be called a sexist. Ask on why women are not being drafted when they're given the right to vote, you're a misogynist. It's the perfect crime that Charles Ponzi himself will be jealous.
You cannot question or nor you cannot be cynical about it. Women's rights is infalliable.
Feminism is just one of several "group victimhood scams" created in the past century, which have made some people very rich and powerful. That said, it's certainly one of the most successful of the bunch.
Women are “strong” until they meet adversity of any kind. Then suddenly they need a plethora of support groups to prop them up. I’m fine with women being women, but this ridiculous double-think I can’t stand.
Agreed 100%!
Heads they win, tails you lose.
It's the perfect con game.
Its a Bolshevik group. One of many.
Universal suffrage had three major effects on Western Society. 1. Mass Immigration, 2. Practice of Critical Theory, and 3. Death of Western Culture. Letting women vote was giving the equivalency of children majority power, the inevitable loss of rights and personal wealth was either planned or just as foolhardy as most unchecked liberalism.
This. What other group can advocate for mass murder and still come out on top?
Biggest fucking fraud that was ever sold to this world was that women are kind and benevolent.
Did/do you love your mother TheImpossible1?
Yes, but that doesn't change a trend.
Well that's where the idea that women are benevolent and kind comes from...and it's unavoidable as far as I can see...If you're not unlucky more or less everyone has a maybe skewed view of femininity that comes from the exact same place.
Is it though? I don't believe anyone thinks all women are like their mother.