zettapede 12 points ago +12 / -0

Oh and it's SJW trash. Maybe not woke like many games are these days but it's still early to tell.

zettapede 11 points ago +12 / -1

First, I'm really impressed by the graphics. Maybe it's because I have a new rig, but the attention to detail and the clean, smooth, detailed nuance applied to everything is impressive. You can actually read the words and see the pictures on magazines strewn about messy apartments. (As opposed to fallout-style low-res cover graphics only.) Ultimately, graphics do not equal fun, though.

That said - I was expecting an open-world RPG. So far it appears to be an entirely linear affair with pre-planned battles and little to no RPG elements. Your dialog options appear to typically consist of [1] Go along with the plot. [2] Attempt to make an independent decision but end up being brought right back to the same dialog options.

In fact I started two different games. One begins out in the desert in a beat up old car. One begins in a corporate high rise with suits and champagne. Despite being ostensibly completely different choices with completely different consequences, the two starting points end up causing you to play the exact same game with the exact same dialog choices within ten minutes of gameplay. Disappointing.

The combat sucks too. On normal mode it's typical video-game garbage: Everything dies based on the number of times you shoot it rather than skill or planning. On hard mode you can head-shot the same guy four times and then he'll then proceed to one-shot you. Feels like that needs some work.

zettapede 13 points ago +14 / -1

No, it's your typical anti-capitalist woke garbage.

zettapede 1 point ago +1 / -0

Exactly this - Fallout is about very personal choices. Becoming a character - or the character becoming you. Either way there's no way to create a mass-consumer version of personalization like that. It's destined to fail.

And I bet it'll be woke crap anyway because everything is these days.