user20461 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, I caught that the rephrasing of "take a stab at it" was also wrong. But I don't expect much from someone who was willing to think this up and put it into writing.

user20461 38 points ago +38 / -0

"Violent Language"

That's not a bad idea

Fucking snowflakes

user20461 12 points ago +12 / -0

Nothing says "Winning the war" like drafting men 20-55.

user20461 0 points ago +1 / -1

You obviously give a huge shit about Trump.

There's plenty of people IDGAF about and I don't go around defending them or accusing others of being shills if they post a mild criticism about them.

Normal people just ignore the topic and move on.

You, on the other hand, took it as a personal insult and started making baseless accusations.

Seriously, go fuck off to the donald if you can't handle a mild criticism.

user20461 -2 points ago +1 / -3

Yup, Trump's #1 supporter for 8 years!

user20461 0 points ago +1 / -1

My God you're retarded.

You accused someone of being a shill simply because they posted "How do you lose Bill Mitchell?" If you're so attached to Trump that you're offended by THAT minor criticism, then go fuck off back to the donald.

You fucking faggot.

user20461 -1 points ago +1 / -2

If you're going to criticize people for un-"organic posts," be ready to have your shit scrutinized. Imagined being shocked and offended that someone would defend themselves against your baseless accusations. Fucking retard.

thanks for confirming you're a shill though

c/The_Donald is to your left, fuck off back there if you can't handle debate.

BTW, calling someone a shill is pretty funny when they've been around for more than a year and you've only been around for 1 month. Again, you're a fucking retard and probably a shill, yourself.

user20461 -1 points ago +1 / -2

He must've been paid money under the table because the Trump cult is far more lucrative than cult DeSantis has.

by Vebent
user20461 19 points ago +19 / -0

from the public wifi at my building.

This is the way. Start using public wifi to violate Reddit TOS repeatedly. They will lose so much traffic from IP banning and will begin to die out. Their only course of action would be to undo the stupid IP ban policy but, by then, it'll be too late to recoup as people would have moved on from reddit.

user20461 -1 points ago +3 / -4

A 1mo old account that's been inactive for 3 days but logged in to make this comment and hasn't said anything since. Weird.

user20461 0 points ago +2 / -2

No, I meant Bill Mitchell.

user20461 1 point ago +5 / -4

It would be the case but the problem is how many snakes are pushing Desantis too

I have no doubt DeSantis will show his true colors if he were elected president. I would rather dangle the carrot of the presidency while he serves as governor. This way, he will keep up the act instead of having no reason to try and win over Trump voters.

Ultimately, what we're seeing between Trump and DeSantis is a powerplay by the GOPe to split the vote and demoralize Republican voters to accepting RINOs or risk letting the democrats "win." Neither Trump nor DeSantis will win as of today because of the current divide.

And, like I've stated throughout this thread, democracy is a rigged game. It will always be a RINO or someone who will lie and then sellout (like Trump). A guy like Ron Paul would never be allowed to win, and I doubt that many people would vote for a principled candidate with a strong track record. People (myself included) overlooked Trump's history in 2016 because we so wanted to believe everything he was telling us. In hindsight, I would've voted for Rand Paul in the primaries.

user20461 7 points ago +9 / -2

The way I see it, this is all by design to split the party and give the democrats 2024.

The "failure" to deal with voter fraud in both 2018, 2020, and 2022, is causing in-house arguing and diving the base. The GOPe want us to believe that MAGA candidates can't win. In reality, they're winning elections but losing to fraud.

The Republicans will stop letting democrats rig the election once we bend the knee and accept RINOs. This won't happen for a long time until we're demoralized by losses.

And the truth is, the GOPe doesn't care if democrats win because they're ultimately fighting for the same thing.

Disclaimer: I don't vote and stopped voting after 2016. I think voting is rigged, whether it's voter fraud, candidates who sell out, or never allowing a candidate like Ron Paul to ever win. Voting is a game designed to make people believe that they have a say in matters and they can bring about change.

user20461 5 points ago +7 / -2

I've seen Bill defend every leftist policy that Trump signed off on, both while in office and out of office.

Bill defended the Omnibus because he thought it would help us win in 2018 (spoiler alert: it didn't).

Bill defended Trump's gun control because he thought that most Americans wanted "common sense gun control" and the rest of us were just extremists.

So yeah, for Trump to lose his #1 fan, things aren't boding well for both him and Republicans in 2024. Personally, I think it's becoming obvious that the Republican party is purposefully sabotaging itself and Trump is in on it, but is pretending to be the opposition.

user20461 4 points ago +9 / -5

The #1 guy pushing for DeSantis is Trump. I would say he's completely tone-deaf to his supporters and the RW, but it's really just him being honest and upfront about who he is.

user20461 13 points ago +13 / -0


One guy said:

its a recording of a speech he gave in the 80s

But I doubt that; it seems like a deep fake. Hope I'm wrong, though. Would love for this to be real lol.

EDIT: It appears to be a copypasta


user20461 6 points ago +6 / -0

Oh, I agree, but that's beside the point, and it's not like Bill stopped supporting Trump because Trump was too right-wing or anything.

user20461 6 points ago +8 / -2

Yeah, complete and total faggots don't like Trump. Not really news.

No, they seem to like him for his support for gay marriage.

And who can forget when he held up an LGBT flag when he was running for president in 2016? First Republican politician to ever do such a thing.

user20461 -3 points ago +4 / -7

If Trump can't win Bill Mitchell, how is he going to win anything?

At this rate, demcorats aren't even going to need to rig the 2024 presidential election. Trump's remaining supporters won't show up for DeSantis, and everyone else is sick of Trump.

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