temp_account_0925 -5 points ago +5 / -10

Christianity is a dumb fairytale that only stupid people believe

Christianity is a dumb fairytale that even intelligent people are fooled by.

How can someone so smart believe in something that only morons do?

Plenty of things that smart people fall for just as morons do. Credit default swap and subprime mortgages are fine examples. There are plenty of hedge funds full of PhDs and even Nobel laureates that went bankrupt.

nearly every single great scientific work or piece of literature in history was created by someone who was religious.

Unless you can prove that being religious aided their scientific work, I don't see how this is even relevant. Can you demonstrate cause and effect?

temp_account_0925 4 points ago +4 / -0

a White male who attended an Ivy League school and got a (Russian) schoolmate fired from his PhD

What a scum! To ruin a person's academic life and potential contribution to the collective knowledge merely for political differences is devoid of intellectual capability.