SupremeReader -3 points ago +1 / -4

Also just to let you know, men and Ant talked about you here: https://kotakuinaction2.win/p/15JnPVFDWe/x/c/4OeyXnxBCAT

SupremeReader 5 points ago +5 / -0

I think terrorism is rather quite terrifying.

Portland's actually pathetic mayor Wheeler tried to man up as he wants to drop some fed hate crime charges on them Antifascists so the DA won't let them go as usual. No one's happy about him from either side, I don't know who keeps electing him so: https://twitter.com/tedwheeler/status/1577789446245994496

SupremeReader -4 points ago +1 / -5

There was no relevant paperwork, registering the weapons to their military IDs. Just a pile of guns and live ammunition to take as they like while they're still in Russia.

SupremeReader 1 point ago +1 / -0

You mean the DIE initiative? It's all of CDP in general, not just CDPR.

SupremeReader 7 points ago +7 / -0

Or is it a Red on red incident?

They've also attacked the local Injun musuem during the 2020 riots.

Their local token spoke out against it:

Jennifer Thompson, the #Portland #Antifa member & BLM activist who boasted about aborting her 7-month-old black daughter by getting an injection to stop the fetus' heart, questions why white-owned businesses weren't targeted above the Bison Coffeehouse.

SupremeReader 8 points ago +8 / -0

Just reminded me of that "real-life superhero" fad like 10-15 years ago where Americans would larp as costumed vigilantes, Kick-Ass style. Finally they're needed and it's too late.

SupremeReader 2 points ago +4 / -2

Can an American enlighten me what's so "better" about that?

SupremeReader 1 point ago +1 / -0

Want you talking about how the "regressive leftists" need to be shipped to "death camps"?

SupremeReader 14 points ago +14 / -0

Instead they're attracted to (lipstick) lesbians.


SupremeReader 1 point ago +1 / -0

With or without your "death camps"? (For !now.)

SupremeReader 1 point ago +1 / -0

With what, the 6,000 soldiers left in Kaliningrad?

You know what, you're right. They should.

It would be extremely funny. Like a real life version of the aptly named Orcs Must Die.

And then the Article 5.

SupremeReader 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's the death of a dream.

They don't call it DIE for no reason.

SupremeReader 1 point ago +1 / -0

I dont know exactly what's happening to them, only random tweets about it, but apparently there's a major meltdown and one is even in psychiatric clinic.

SupremeReader 1 point ago +1 / -0

They do, which is how much of Ukraine's food destined to feed the shithole countries was exported through the Polish ports with American help, peacefully breaking the Russian naval blockade that would have starved Africa.

Syria was ruined by Syrian government, Russia, and rebel forces, in about that order. The Western bombing was insignificant except in the capital of the Caliphate and even the final enclave that lasted like 2 years because they didn't want to level it due to nearly 100,000 of more or less civilian refugees there in between 2 towns and then literally half of a village (the Islamic State families including thousands of actual Europeans and the "Europeans" of your kind, they're still a massive problem and they're digging tunnels and organize under their refugee camps or really concentration camps).

Oh, and Kobane. But it had been evacuated (to Turkey, which was very easy as the city's literally right on the border and Turkey was neutral to both sides back then) and so they only brought it down on the IS army, breaking their best forces there. Literal crushing victory, their corpses still smelled for months from under the rubble.

SupremeReader 0 points ago +1 / -1

It's NATO and friends. Behold the power of friendship.

And you know, it's a funny thing, I think you got your stupid idea about how there's no separate Ukrainian nation, culture, language, and so on from Putin himself. It's funny because he's now changed the tune, 180 degrees: https://twitter.com/wartranslated/status/1577672595360694281

SupremeReader 0 points ago +1 / -1

They're all just stupid. That's all.

Just like what they just said on Rus1 - what they lack most is the intelligence. But also intelligence of the other kind.

Strelkov isn't stupid, and is bitching more then ever about all these idiots. He's really crossing the line and I think he's going to have a window accident.

Btw Putin just promoted Kadyrov again, to Colonel General. He had no military rank at all back in February. Now it's only 2 ranks before he's a Marshal, the only in Russia because currently there's none. And he's super dumb (his entourage varies greatly). Also supposedly sending all of his own very underage sons to Ukraine (I don't think they really go).

SupremeReader 0 points ago +1 / -1

For independence, Ant. Also to prove this to you, by defeating the largest country in the world and a pretend superpower.

SupremeReader 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yeah, it's not gov. There's no state list (besides normally people wanted for arrest like everywhere), but there are different lists. This one's famous for how various countries and entities have banned it or wanted it shut down.

SupremeReader -1 points ago +1 / -2

Everyone, inuding Kots himself. He's not very bright, similar to Semon Pegov "WarGonzo" (who just revealed that in 2014 he was left all alone in Slavyansk after Strelkov had "forgotten him" him while pulling out "for some reason", Gonzo is still confused 8 years later, Stelkov refused to elaborate and doesn't even talk to him, it's a comedy).

Diaspora Armenians are pissed at Gonzo for his fake reporting from the 2020 Karabakh about how Armenia was totally winning before he high tailed out of there, "my work here is done". (https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EkIPYXRXcAAbbzK.jpg:large was like from the Soyjaks Pointing meme, the city fell within days.)

Also Strelkov: https://twitter.com/nik0p0l5/status/1577322563092549632

SupremeReader 0 points ago +1 / -1

Hey, not just one, it's THE one!


(Vietnam would be even higher than Phillipines in the love of America, and I'm not joking here, it was just not in this particular list.)

SupremeReader 1 point ago +1 / -0

Imp's still convinced that Ukraine's registration for a possible auxillary service (in accordance to their specific civillian skills, like a teacher or a nurse) that was scheluded for 2022 (and then was disrupted) was meant they would be conscripted to fight, because he only saw a screenshot of a headline from when the initial announcement did cause a confusion in the country and abroad (it was poorly worded) for 1 day in 2021 before it was clarified.

The same with a stupid proposal by one female MP that was then expressly withdrawn by her own party and so never was even debated not to mention voted on, he's sure it's actually law to shoot a deserter (and Ukraine has no death penalty for anything) because he saw a screenshot of a headline and not even Russia's TopWar.ru telling the entire story accurately (and with rather minimal bias actually) could convince him.

I need to ask him where he's taking his stuff from. (And I don't mean the drugs.)

Speaking of death penalty, the utterly depressed Solovyov of Rassiya-1 (in case if you somehow still don't know what is half year later, it's Russian second-main main TV channel after Kanal 1) wants it for Russian commanders because they do not shoot themselves as they should: https://twitter.com/JuliaDavisNews/status/1577369748517568522

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