kamelrunkaren 5 points ago +5 / -0

You don't get it do you? Kike media uses the term "permit" which is a out of context translation. What's so hard to understand? The Swedish government ain't gonna do shit if you protest without notifying the police in advance.

Without protection you may get attacked by inbreed camel masturbators, angry commies who hate free speech or kike media then lose your bank account. These are all evil groups trying to silence you, not the government.

When jews fuck you over, blame the jews openly, don't blame the government who had nothing to do with it.

kamelrunkaren 7 points ago +7 / -0

Over 6 million jews in America, barely anyone in Sweden. It's not about physical confrontation but what happens to your life afterwards. (((They))) control all the media, all the banks and much more. Good luck surviving in cashless Sweden without a bank account. You'll be limited to cryptocurrency only which isn't widely accepted, for instance buying gasoline can be hard, tho utilities and groceries works.

kamelrunkaren 9 points ago +9 / -0

Evil will always try to silence you. In what country will the police always have resources to protect your speech? Are you saying I could right now burn a Torah outside a Synagogue anywhere in the US without risk of anything bad happening to me? I doubt. In Sweden on the other hand, no problem.

kamelrunkaren 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is retarded:

You picked the highest VAT in all of EU.

Sales tax is the US version of VAT, EU doesn't have sales tax, only VAT.

You picked the highest income tax, plus margin tax. The only place in Europe you pay 50% income tax is in the Nordic countries, if you earn more than $70 000 yearly, anything lower than that and your income tax will be closer to 30% depending on municipality. The rest of EU is even lower.

Average wage in EU is obviously lower, because the EU average includes eastern Europe, which is a lot of very poor countries. The US also have more big tech and office jobs while EU has more blue collar work in factories. Here's a list of average wages by country: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_average_wage

Cost of living is not higher in EU, once again Eastern Europe pulls down these prices, you purposefully picked the most expensive country for your fake comparison.

Even more retarded is that you think money is worth 30% less in EU, that's bullshit.

You then use the fake currency value difference to pretend that 50% of 100 is 35. Don't they teach you math in your shithole country?

Then you pretend the 10% US sales tax does not exist, if you have 67k and remove 10% of that you don't have 67k, you have 60.3k.

Same in Europe, 25% of $23k is not $13k, it's $17.25k. You added the fake sales tax and some more random value from God knows where. VAT also don't apply on rent, utilities and many other essential things.

Last but not least, you claim that cost of living in the us is $666/mo while the cost of living in Europe is $1833/mo, from where do you even get these numbers?