hootersmcboobies 9 points ago +9 / -0

Well that's not even the fucking retarded part. How are you going to move the trucks AFTER you slash the tires and drain the gas?! Where are you going to get drivers if you arrest all of them? You can't just tow these things. Semi-truck wreckers are massive, and their operated by: wait for it .. more truckers.

You could probably train some cops quickly how to release the air breaks and get these moving, but if any of those trucks is an 18-speed manual (there's gotta be at least on or two psychos in there), good luck trying to get that thing moving without any training.

hootersmcboobies 8 points ago +8 / -0

I can't finish watching it. So much cringe. You know, it's terrible to say this because it would be horrific ... but part of me hopes this barely tested medication (that's not a vaccine) does render 60%+ of these people sterile, if only as a lesson of how dangerous this type of experimentation is at this scale.