dsoxh 7 points ago +7 / -0

The fact that youtube hasn't removed the like/dislike ratio yet is unbelievable. It's such a relic of the past, when the internet was actually considerably free and social media weren't all powerful dystopian entities who control the world, and it's actually the only reason Youtube is still somewhat tolerable compared to the rest.

I give it 3 years tops before they remove it with some retarded excuse such as "we promote love and understanding and the dislike feature is too hateful!" and fulfill the inevitable sanitization of every big tech site and effectively remove any form of dissent for the sheeple.

dsoxh 12 points ago +12 / -0

The "heteropatriarchal capitalistic systems many white Americans fight to protect" is literally the only reason you are a privileged rich woman with a PhD tweeting out garbage against your own country with zero consequences, as opposed to being another black woman in some random shithole that is enslaved by the peaceful islamic empire, where you would spend your entire live as breeding cattle being penetrated daily by the horse dick of a black man called the very african name of Mohammed Mahommad Mehammodi.

I wish there was a machine that put these kind of mentally ill individuals right in the middle of one such shithole, they would be crying for daddy west to come and rescue them immediately upon arrival. Then again, after being undeservedly rescued they would resume their relentless attack on the very thing that allows them to even exist.

Fucking scum of the earth can GET THE FUCK OUT of western countries if they hate it so much.

dsoxh 5 points ago +5 / -0

He's Loki, so they're 100% going to have some sort of stupid gender fluid, non-binary nonsense. I can tell it now: he will have a dumb high school grade psychological struggle between his two genders and his male form will be evil and angry-dumb like his father, and his female counterpart will be intelligent, sensible and full of love and wisdom <3.

I wouldn't be surprised if the obligatory SuBvErSioN is that Kratos has to kill him at the end or something because Freya has made him see the light and he's no longer an aggressive MAN and won't see his son go down the same path blah blah. There's no way the director, who's a fan of Druckmann, will have the white boy be the hero/chosen one.

The normies expect the kid to take the mantle from a dead Kratos and we can't have something expected like that actually happen, we need some stupid twist.

Either way I don't understand why anyone who knows videogames could be excited for this, gameplay wise it looks like a DLC for the first game, which was the very definition of mediocrity. God of War ended with Ascension, this dumbed down, borderline unplayable cinematic garbage is God of War in name only.

dsoxh 9 points ago +9 / -0

The danger hair self-insert mary sue is all I needed to see to automatically lose all interest in this garbage.

I can guarantee there will be some sort of emasculating of Neo by danger hair and/or Trinity, who appears to have powers now and will surely be the actual chosen one all along, just like creepy CGI Leia was able to beat young Luke in the latest Star Wars garbage because of course she could.

Considering the director said the trilogy was always a trans analogy, I wouldn't put it past them to make Trinity and Neo the same person, and have they/them achieve their full potential when they/them fully accept that they/them are trans and she/her was always a she/her being held back by staying inside her wrongfully assigned at birth he/him.

On top of that there's the whole meta shit where the matrix trilogy is a thing in-universe and this seems to be a commentary on reboots or whatever, because being meta is so clever and revolutionary and not at all what everyone is doing now.

And of course there's the two white guys who will predictably be the bad guys.

Anyone who has hope for this garbage and pays for it is clinically retarded.