Its frustrating reading all of what is happening. Does this help? What can be done?


Cover up the camera on your PC with paper when you are not using it. it can be hacked.


if they had their way gamergate will be remembered as "the movement that started cause gamers hated women" and the capitol hill event would be remembered as "trump cultists that tried to attempt a coup" without any mention of all the shit that led up to it and without any mention of all the EXTREMELY obvious election fraud and all the corruption happening. And if anyone questions their official narrative they'd probably be called "revisionists"

What else was lied about? its disgusting.


Even outside of politics it is really terrible dealing with them. Habitual liars, always think they are the victim, always want to micro manage others, always think they know better than others, lack of self awareness , etc. etc.


its like.... every time i see this now a days, i dont really feel like im looking at a real person anymore i just automatically see them as part of the hivemind. And most of the time im correct.


Whatever happened to this? Why have i never seen this being implemented?


They hated the statement made by the cyberpunk ghost story devs https://archive.is/jhn9j Also tried to pretend the devs didn't actually get a bunch of harassment and that they didn't get called sexist.


, its done more harm to society than anything else, its literally exists as a microphone for subverters, commies , mentally ill (that dont represent the normal majority) and has too much power.And my biggest frustration is trump has done nothing about it even he should see the problems


i was arguing with someone on youtube once and they knew almost everything i had commented before in other places. how did he do that?


"Gamergate happened because gamers hated women" "Animemes revolt happened because they hated trans people" "Christians want to kill queer people and want all women to be handmaidens"

Why do they keep making up these kind of lies? They always ignore what people actually say or what actually happened, and keep making up lies about people.


ok this ridiculous thing that happened. . (whether you happen to like or dislike this genre or not) So a japanese artist mangaka made a BL manga "Prince Noir" and the english translation company "Local Manga" cancelled it claiming that a character was "mentally shota" (you read that right. Not shota but they called it "mentally shota" whatever the fuck that means) because of "legal reasons" .... what?... lol just fucking just say you dont like the content and dont lie. And they brought up some obscure law from ages ago (that was about loli / shota) that was already shot down cause it was unconstitutional. ( Anime News Network lied about this too of course and only mentioned one person that got in to trouble a decade ago but didn't mention that the law has already been shot down and considered unconstitutional)

Second stupid story of the day : Female Japanese artist wins prize for artwork of a lewd maid, And feminists attack her instead of celebrating her success, because of course they do .



Pedo elites trying to scapegoat drawings "cause loli" meanwhile they create the movie "Cuties". Its always projection and trying to attack Japan. .


Remember the girl they tried to cancel over pixelated hair? Now they are crying victim and calling for "cease fire" cause she's retweeting their hate comments against her and exposing them and they are getting a taste of their own medicine lol.

(edit: oh and remember when Animeme mods banned the word "trap" saying it was a "transphobic slur" and that we should use "femboy" instead? well now twitter is saying that "femboy" is a slur now too.As someone predicted they move the goal post.)


Those who go on about "gender roles is a social construct"; Nature would disagree with you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-IpWIBeOCzA&ab_channel=Budowski1 Its funny how everyone can immediate tell who is the male and female here yet they still push that nonsense.


Someone needs to make a "new testament" to karl marx's book cause its not just about class struggle anymore is it? They turned it in to "race or gender or sexuality or anything under the sun identity(including fat) struggle"

Though the old school commies did actually have a bit of that race or gender struggle if you look it up , but there was much more focus on "class" but now they make it more focused on race, gender, sexuality, etc. etc. with class struggle still being there but more in the background.


so obviously i've been going on alternative sites (as in alternative replacements for twitter, youtube, and reddit) more and more as the mainstream ones start getting more and more censorious and ban happy over political wrong think , but at the same time, jesus i wish the alternative sites (like bitchute and the like .) had some other things other than politics sometimes too (Not talking about here in case you are wondering since its a "subreddit" not a platform). i can understand why cause most people who are there are political right wingers that got kicked off the mainstream sites but mannn...

anyway just a small rant. .


I found a twitter thread discussing how California will run its race classification system if #Prop16 passes and it part of it listed North African/Middle Eastern people under the category of "White/Caucasian" for whatever dumb reason. And i found two black females on the thread saying that the reason they did that is because White people will be a minority soon so in order to stay the majority they decided to boost up their numbers by including Middle Easterners/North African people as "White/Caucasian"

.....what? wtf.... i can't... How can people be this stupid to think this??