cc23 2 points ago +2 / -0

They're not as intelligent. When a place is destroyed by leftist politics they blame the evil white patriarchy and move on to the next place that isn't yet a shithole, which is ironically the places where the "evil white men" have more control and influence. Rinse and repeat until there's nowhere for them to flee because they've destroyed everything, and even then, they still won't realize it was their fault.

by folx
cc23 4 points ago +4 / -0

You NEED us, so you control us so we can't reject you.

It is in situations like this when you're just so happy to be sexually attracted to men. I don't NEED you at all, you fucking moron. A man's finger is more sexually appealing to me than your entire body, you pretentious, spiteful, ugly cunt.

More and more women are realizing how much they despise you.

I don't give a shit what women think about men.

Our rage runs deep and long, and you will all pay for this for years to come.

Oh no! Whatever will men do. It's not like they can reduce every single woman in the world to a slave tool if they want to. In fact that's what they do in most of the world that isn't in the oh so evil western world. How are you going to make men "pay for this"? If it comes down to a sex war you will be demolished before it even begins, you fucking retard. The strong female capeshit has made them believe a woman can actually fight a man, it's hysterical.

Women are divorcing their husbands and leaving their boyfriends.

Good. Less miserable men.

More of us are swearing off men and refusing to have your babies.

Nobody with a brain wants your babies, ape. There will always be nonretarded women that want men to breed them because it's in their nature. And men could literally pin you against the wall and have their babies with you even if you don't want to. You should be thankful you live in a civilized western society where that behavior isn't acceptable. Instead, you're making angry rants against the very fabric of such a society with the intention of destroying it, and your privileged lifestyle with it.

More and more of you will be friendzoned. Rejected. Dumped. Alone.

The world doesn't spin around your hole. I can't be "friendzoned" by a woman because I won't even approach one that way. This arrogant retard needs to understand that there are men that her disgusting body don't have any power over. I don't need you for anything at all, you could come at me naked with your tits and hole out and I would rather masturbate with my boyfriend's sock, that's how completely unappealing you are to me, you absolutely insufferable cunt. And I'm certain there are men who like to fuck women who also wouldn't touch you with a ten foot pole, you don't need to be a faggot to be disgusted by an ungrateful, angry bitch like you. If I was in charge I would send this whore to a third world country. She'd be crying for help to the evil western man the moment she arrived in these matriarchal paradises. I would post it there but it would be removed by any of the thousands of simps and trannies that roam that shithole. Just look at that row of emoji shit, just how many fucking beta cucks are out there willing to simp and be humilliated by a random reddit whore. I can see their fucking disgusting soyboy faces and their three nintendo switch and disney star wars funko pops from behind the screen.