blackestknight -1 points ago +1 / -2

A : We don't know if that's why she collapsed

Of course we don't, we're just making fun of the vaccines. You're the one that's taking this seriously and going on and on about women killing men.

B : Even if it is, data shows men are affected far more.

Yes, because men are more at risk of heart disease in general. Comes with the fact that biologically, they're men.

blackestknight 0 points ago +1 / -1

If they go full white supremacist with the militia, I wont watch it either, and will swear off the series from that point on.

Even if they make it a white supremacist militia, if they make it accurate to actual white supremacist militias, I don't have an issue with it. Because I don't associate White supremacist militias to conservatives at all. Quite the opposite, most are little communist shitbags.

For all we know though, it'll just be a generic militia that lives in the mountain and nothing of their motives will be said or mentionned, because frankly it's unimportant. The story revolves around how they kidnap a FBI agent. Making them just a generic anti-Government Militia fits the story narrative better.

blackestknight 1 point ago +2 / -1

Your clarification doesn't really provide any actual clarity of your skepticism.

The fact the article quotes a leaked e-mail from before the order is lifted, and then cites no further on going compliance beyond February 28th, and has a ton of quotes of employees even questionning it is quite enough to point out how the title used here is loose.

The "bank" (again, not really a bank) didn't just decide to secretly maintain a list of Convoy supporters.

If you see this as "just complying with the act/ just following orders", then I don't know what to tell you.

Do you know what a CROWN CORPORATION is ? It's literally a Government entity. The same Government that passed the Emergency Act.

If you think compliance to Government orders is optional when working for the Government, I don't know what to tell you.

blackestknight 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm not really sure why you don't find the leaked emails credible.

That's not what I said.

From my post :

"it points to a February 23rd e-mail that was sent before the Emergencies Act was lifted, asking for compliance."

So this leaked e-mail simply asked for employees of a CROWN CORPORATION (aka : Employees of the Government) to comply with the act. FCC isn't a bank per se, it's a Lender that reports to the Agricultural ministry, and isn't a private entity.

Like I said : I think the title here is quite loose with the details.

blackestknight 9 points ago +9 / -0

Judge overturned Justice of the Peace's decision and released her after a short bail hearing where the Crown made clowns of themselves yet again.

blackestknight 4 points ago +4 / -0

because youre the one who went ad hominem off the bat,

Dude, your very OP called everyone who disagreed with you "Anti-Trump" and you were slinging the "Leftist" accusation left and right.

You came in, New Account, "guns" blazing with ad hominems. Go cry into shit stained briefs for all I care.

and makes grandiose claims without proof.

Says the guy who keeps claiming "Safe and Effective" which he heard on CNN.

blackestknight 4 points ago +4 / -0

Is it?

If he lost the lawsuit, obviously it has some form of protection to where you can't call a beer pong trainer a "University". Probably some shit excuse of "reasonable expectations that an average person would hold" type standard.

blackestknight 7 points ago +7 / -0

No new account, trolling is making a massive vaccine shill thread, and then calling everyone who questions the vaccine's efficacity a "Leftist" and "Anti-Trump".

But you knew that.

blackestknight 5 points ago +5 / -0

No, I won't show you because I can't be bothered to waste time digging for links for an obvious troll New Account.

blackestknight 5 points ago +5 / -0

I told you where multiple times. Case/Hospitalization/Death rates released by vaccination status showing worse outcomes in more vaccinated populations. Data released by multiple health agencies, including but not limited to the UK, Canada.

I'm not going to link farm for a vaccine shilling troll, so you're on your own.

blackestknight 2 points ago +6 / -4

You not being happy a woman collapsed ?

Oh right, you still think the vaccine's goal is to kill only men.

blackestknight 5 points ago +5 / -0

And then hired totally unqualified people to 'teach' completely useless skills

So no different than all other training seminars out there. You should see what people pay for as "training" in IT. It's laughably sad.

I guess he really did want the label 'university' vindicated. That is why he did have to settle for tens of millions.

I don't think University should even be a protected appellation though. I find it as generic as College or School. Heck, Udemy's entire brand of shitty courses is basically University-Academy squashed into a single word.

blackestknight 8 points ago +8 / -0

To be fair, negative efficacy might not be ADE.

Might not be, but the person I'm replying to is shilling the vaccine as Safe and Effective and a Massive Success.

blackestknight 3 points ago +4 / -1

This story seems sketchy at best. It goes back to February, it has many comments by bank employees questionning this and it points to a February 23rd e-mail that was sent before the Emergencies Act was lifted, asking for compliance.

FCC is also just an Agricultural lender and is a crown corporation, not a bank like say Toronto Dominion or Royal Bank of Canada. So yes, because it lends, it's a "bank", but it's not your typical bank.

I get we support Freedom and the Convoy, but the title here stretches quite a bit and I don't like playing loose with facts.

blackestknight 3 points ago +3 / -0

Like the 2006 Nature paper : "A specific amyloid-β protein assembly in the brain impairs memory".

That study ?

Oh... oupsies. I don't need a study when Governments publish case/hospitalization/death rate data by vaccine status. I don't need guys studying the outcomes for 10 years to see what is plain to see.

blackestknight 2 points ago +2 / -0

Outrage culture is not the same as cultural and racial erasure.

"Outrage culture is not the same as queer and trans erasure" is exactly what the people we laugh at say.

If you think media doesn't have an influence

No, I don't think bad movies or series that flop influence anything. Heck, even if they don't flop, most people realise fiction is fiction.

is not a reflection of social trends

Wait, don't you guys constantly say this is a plot by "They" to "brainwash" society ? So it can't be a society trend then.

Like I said dude : I don't care. I just won't watch Rings of Power. No one can take away Peter Jackson's trilogy from me.

blackestknight 21 points ago +21 / -0

so covid is getting worse and the symptoms have become more deadly because of the vaccine?

According to numbers, yes, people with 3 or more vaccines are in fact getting worst outcomes than those with less.

Negative Efficacity.

But like you proved in the other thread : you're just here to Troll. So not really worth wasting more time on you.

Careful guys : new account just spreading pro-vaccine shilling shit.

blackestknight -1 points ago +2 / -3

I haven't read the book, but I'm assuming you have.

No, but I've read a few summaries online to see what the OP was talking about.

You have to know by now that the media doesn't get the nuance about militias

Like I said : when it happens, IF it happens, then I'll go by my usual position : Don't like it, don't watch it.

I'm really not into the whole outrage thing. What I am into however is calling out Outrage culture. It's kinda why we came together into KiA for. KotakuInAction ? Kotaku being little bitches and us calling them out on it and laughing about it ?

Amazon will write the filmed version as full on white supremacist

You're getting mad over something that hasn't even happened yet.

blackestknight 3 points ago +3 / -0

I was asking guided questions

The proper term : Loaded questions.

Like "So, when did you stop beating your wife exactly ?".

the only real response should have been that myocarditis was a massive side effect in coronavirus and the mRNA vaccine

Funny how Myocarditis didn't become a virus side effect until after the vaccine roll out.

But I guess you're all in on that CNN narrative.

blackestknight 2 points ago +2 / -0

Or it's just that I simply don't care enough about entertainment and I don't think it has the impact you think it does on wider society ?

Like were you so mad about Happy Gilmore erasing the proper etiquette of Golf ? No, it's just a lame movie. If it's bad, it'll flop and no one will remember it.

I don't even know anyone who watched "Hello white people" or wtv it was called on Netflix. Like I told someone else : KotakuInAction was started with the goal of laughing AT outrage culture. Not becoming a parallele outrage culture.

blackestknight 2 points ago +2 / -0

And just like that, you've run out of arguments and are on insults, from a new account.

I was proven right : you're a troll.

blackestknight 16 points ago +18 / -2

However its clear the vax doesnt cause ADE

My god, getting wrecked in your own thread wasn't enough ?

Are you Fauci ?

blackestknight 3 points ago +3 / -0

and myocarditis is capable of self repair in most cases

And in some cases the damage is permanent.

so why is sudden cardiac arrest occuring?

Because the vaccine is shit. Don't inject shit into your body.

blackestknight 3 points ago +3 / -0

Just look at the data in the UK, Canada and many other places.

I guess if you think the vaccine is actually effective, we're quite done here. You can't call others "leftists" when you take the very left position of "the vaccine works".

You've just exposed yourself as the biggest leftist here.

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