bigblox 0 points ago +1 / -1

Sure, I have (had) many weird fetishes. Starved most of them till they disappeard for the most part. Of curse I am by no means a saint. But I came to the realisation that even indulging in the smaller, seemingly innocent fetishes is not exactly natural or healthy. Everything realted to sexuality has a tendency to silently seep into other areas of life and even influence political views. Constantly horny people do have issues with an addiction just like gluttons or rageaholics. But unlike the latter cases it is not as obvious from the outside if you don't know what to look for.

the important thing is knowing when and where to reign that shit in

Which gets harder and harder since for example in the case of trannys, the echo chamber that encourages this behavior has already gained a foothold in education and media.

My experience is similiar to what you describe. But luckily I got out earlier. But to minimize the danger that I'm just projecting my hangups onto your story, are you comfortable to answer the following questions?

How prelevant was autogynophilia in the fantasies you created after your breakup? When did you come into contact with pornography and what relevance did it have in your life?

Also this is your thread and I'm answering with long winded posts. If you do not find my angle very interesting to talk about, and are just answering out of politeness, just say so. I don't mind.

bigblox 4 points ago +4 / -0

Lol, I'm with you on that. Maybe you are right and I'm overestimating the problematic impact of sexual deviance itself. Just "Telling them to fuck off" (public shaming of extreme behavior) on a large scale could really be the working solution, since you cannot exactly end perversions.

But on the other hand, encouraging people to just go with it, is today held up as a virtue. Whereas openly discouraging it can cost you your job and is in many cases branded as "violence". And this is creeping to include more and more perversions, every generation.

Being sexually free once meant not being frigid. That you were able to without shame experience mind blowing full body orgasms. Today it means indulging in every weird fetish that presents itself until it becomes part of one's personality or a lifestyle,

bigblox 5 points ago +5 / -0

I feel like you keep blaming sex for everything

Not sex directly, but how naively and overly positive every kind of sexual deviance is celebrated these days.

my concern at this point is that they keep these things to themselves and to established communities, instead of trying to indoctrinate people, especially children into their fetishes.

I thought that way for a long time too. But it does not seem like "established communities" will ever keep these things to themselves once they reach a certain size.

bigblox 8 points ago +8 / -0

Stepdad... I think meant well, but he wasn't very good at being a parent ... but it definitely upset little me and made me feel like my interests didn't matter.

I know what you mean. It can very hard for non-biological parents to have the patience to form a real connection with children, instead of just playing a parent program. I collect stories like yours and am convinced to have found a common pattern. Could you please indulge in a bit of my kitchen psychology and tell me what you think?

but I figured that my sole female friend might actually listen and care about me.

It explained why I was always such an effeminate sissy growing up - I never really WAS a boy at all! I was mentally a girl all along, trapped in a boy's body!

I ended up coming to my mother that I was trans though, and she was 100% supportive about it

A child has to learn how to control his bowel movement to be able to not shit his pants. He later has to learn how to control emotions, frustrations, and then sexual urges, so that his identity is based on more than sexuality and his emotional life. Basically so he doesn't become some weird pervert that gets shunned by polite society. It seems that men and women are fundamentally different in managing their emotions and especially their sexual urges. Boys without a good realtionship to their fathers have a hard time learning to control these in a healthy way, or control them at all. Men deal with a sexual build up they have to actively manage. For women sexual urges have more of a cyclical nature that resolves itself to a degree. From here on I have no real explanaition for a concrete mechanism. But long story short, the way a boy would learn to handle his sexuality from a woman would make him an effeminate, self-hating sex addict. He would be unable to differentiate between what feels good and what is good long term. It is as if women on some level actively encourage this shit, if there is no caring male around that puts a limit to it. This it not to say women are the root of all evil or something like that. A men would be evil in a forceful, uncaring, controlling way. A woman (or a twisted man) would be in a backhanded way that nurtures all sorts of cancerous growth, even if finally damaging to themselves. There is a balance needed to raise children into healthy adults.

she invited me to one of AOL's user made chat rooms - a chat specifically revolving around MtF transgendered people ... The sites explained that the world was inherently bigoted, and a major reason for that was because it was run by men. Men were the root of all evil, and if women - who are inherently more compassionate and loving than men are, were in charge of society, I would never have had to experience the awful oppression I had been subjected to - an oppression that I was not even aware of until that very day.

in the early 2000s. At this point, people being gay was beginning to become more accepted by society, though things like gay marriage were still extremely controversial.

Of course, I had been taught by the chatters and their websites that if anyone refused to accept that I was actually a woman (despite having a penis) or if they refused to adhere to Feminist beliefs, then they were bigots, and I was to cut them out of my life without hesitation.

Said gay guy had a gay online boyfriend who was an adult, when he was still a minor, and when his parents went on vacation, this predator flew across the country to meet up and have sex with my friend. He insisted that he was happily in love with this guy, and I even, at the time, celebrated his love, but now I realize just how fucked up it was. Fast forward a few years later and he starts referring to himself as trans.

They walked away from me again, but this time, it was because I was no longer a leftist Feminist, which THEY now identified as!

Trannys becoming more and more mainstream is a direct result of the intentional destruction of that balance. The resulting young people are vulnerable enough to be groomed in the corners of the internet. Their uncontrolled sexuality is warped into habitual perversions. These clash on many levels with reality. With the plain and obvious Truth. But the internet has made it possible for like minded perverts to perpetuate their illness in isolated bubbles without having to interact with normies to much. So when they come face to face with reality, instead of taking the pain waking up they have already swallowed to much of the Lie and now will try to force others to play along with their delusions. This is grown into a generational feedback loop, for creating sad broken individuals used as ideological foot soldiers. Our parents were discussing the validity of gay marriage. Now parents can lose custody in some parts of the world, if they don't support their hormonally driven teenagers in mutilating their own genitals.

But I was conflicted about all of this. Sure, it was obvious that it was left-wing politics being pushed, but... was that such a bad thing? Maybe their methods were wrong... but surely the idea they were sponsoring was a positive one, right?

And the parenting and tranny issue is just one of the many tentacles of the kraken. What all these have in common is to make you lie often enough to yourself to sever your minds contacts to reality. Then it can rationalize any means for any end, and you become a servant of the Lie.

Sorry for the rambling. But what you have described I have seen so often now, and I need some feedback to order my thoughts on it.

tl;dr The tranny mind virus is snatching our children.

bigblox 7 points ago +7 / -0

"what if my mom never met my stepdad?"

Can you elaborate a bit on your family history concerning your father(s)? Problems in this area, especially in the years from about 3 - 14, seem very common in almost all cases of "tranny infection".

bigblox 5 points ago +5 / -0

I do not get how the first two paragraphs support your argument or invalidate mine.

I also do not advocate for Christians being violent. I am advocating for speaking and acting against evil and lies. There is a large number of non violent things you can do, if you are willing to firmly stand your ground on the side of truth. If you are strong enough to do that to the point of self sacrifice, non violent resistance becomes surprisingly effective.

bigblox 9 points ago +9 / -0

I get it that it's not a reasonable position. But don't spout your bullshit about Christianity needing to be transactional about compassion. That's not what Christ preached and you know it.

I don't remember any part were Jesus let evil or untruth stand for the sake of "compassion". He was compassionate in that he loved the sinner and forgave him, regardless of his sin. He although made it very clear, that the sinner should repent and do the will of His Father.

What exactly is compassionate about tolerating or even enabeling harmful behavior?

bigblox 4 points ago +4 / -0

Link. It is pretty bad. Certain things are not up for discussion anymore if they might hurt any fictional group I can come up with:

Blabla... We want these communities to be positive, safe and healthy environments for anyone who joins (and wants to join) them... In line with the Wikimedia mission, all who participate in Wikimedia projects and spaces will:

  • help create a world in which everyone can freely share in the sum of all knowledge
  • be part of a global community that will avoid bias and prejudice, and
  • strive towards accuracy and verifiability in all its work.

You have to toe the party line - always and everywhere - if you want to be anywhere near the project:

...It applies to everyone who interacts and contributes to online and offline Wikimedia projects and spaces ... functionaries within the projects, event organizers and participants, employees and board members of affiliates and employees and board members of the Wikimedia Foundation. It applies to all Wikimedia projects, technical spaces, in-person and virtual events, as well as the following instances:

  • private, public and semi-public interactions
  • discussions of disagreement and expression of solidarity across community members
  • issues of technical development
  • aspects of content contribution
  • cases of representing affiliates/communities with external partners.

Political commissars:

1 – Introduction ...Actions that contradict the Universal Code of Conduct can result in sanctions. These may be imposed by designated functionaries (as appropriate in their local context)...

Protected groups and identity over merit:

2 – Expected behaviour ...This applies to all contributors and participants in their interaction with all contributors and participants, without expectations based on age, mental or physical disabilities, physical appearance, national, religious, ethnic and cultural background, caste, social class, language fluency, sexual orientation, gender identity, sex or career field. Nor will we make exceptions based on standing, skills or accomplishments in the Wikimedia projects or movement.

Enforced Newspeak:

2.1 – Mutual respect Respect the way that contributors name and describe themselves. People may use specific terms to describe themselves. As a sign of respect, use these terms when communicating with or about these people

And now some interesting bits from the catalogue of bad behavior:

3 – Unacceptable behavior Insults: ...any attacks based on personal characteristics. Insults may refer to perceived characteristics like intelligence,... race,... gender, sex, disability, age,... or other characteristics.

And now the twist:

(Note: The Wikimedia movement does not endorse "race" and "ethnicity" as meaningful distinctions among people. Their inclusion here is to mark that they are prohibited in use against others as the basis for personal attacks.)

I like that one because it is especially clever. If race was a protected category, someone could technically be racist against the white devils. This is similar to the linguistic trickery they are trying to pull with the constitution in Germany right now. But I digress. You can sometimes only be bad if you have privilege. Expertise, reputation and perceived reliability are also privilege. The more of these you have, the more privilege. Also these do not trump my feelings:

3.2 – Abuse of power, privilege, or influence Abuse occurs when someone in a real or perceived position of power, privilege, or influence engages in disrespectful, cruel, and/or violent behaviour towards other people...

  • ...People with community authority have a particular privilege to be viewed as reliable and should not abuse this to attack others who disagree with them.

And lastly, hate speech and forbidden thought categories based on fictional strangers sensibilities again:

3.3 – Content vandalism and abuse of the projects ...

  • Hate speech in any form, or discriminatory language aimed at vilifying, humiliating, inciting hatred against individuals or groups on the basis of who they are or their personal beliefs
  • The use of symbols, images, categories, tags or other kinds of content that are intimidating or harmful to others outside of the context of encyclopedic, informational use. This includes imposing schemes on content intended to marginalize or ostracize.