1. There will never be another 'wave' election again, at least assuming the media/internet narrative machine doesn't significantly change. This should have been obvious after covid, which would have united the country 20 years ago, divided us. The culture war is too deep for there to be 'wave' elections.

  2. Candidate quality is almost entirely irrelevant at this point. Candidates can be mentally disabled, or literally hide in bunkers and never talk to the public. Totally fine now! If Trump runs again, I honestly think he'll do better if he never spoke to the media or made any public appearances the entire campaign. The only thing that matters is spending and persuasive media narratives. Doing less as a candidate actually gives less ammo for the other side.

  3. Campaigns focused on specific fears are the best way to bring people to vote. This is why Zeldin did well in NY despite so many right-leaning people fleeing the state over the course of the pandemic - a single-minded focus on crime and a clear culprit (the left). Abortion and 'jan 6' works like this for the left. Yes, the right has inflation, but the right didn't tie inflation in the same way to the actions of the left. The right's argument was basically just...inflation sucks, so vote for us. Not, inflation sucks, and it was caused by the democrats, and they will cause more of it.

  4. The RNC would rather lose than support a Peter Thiel/new right candidates. Expect more losses if this civil war continues. Doesn't bother me one bit though.

  5. Trafalgar is a trash pollster that literally just took other polls and slapped a +5 repub modifier on their results. Works when other pollsters are all missing right-wing votes like in 2016-20. Other pollsters seem to have fixed their issues this election though, exposing trafalgar as a fake pollster.


Just because some shitheads use the name of a previous work does not mean they have anything to do with it.

"Star Wars" 7 8 and 9 are not Star Wars.

The new "Lord of the Rings" is not the Lord of the Rings.

Don't let those who hate you pretend like they are the continuation of authors once respected.

They are skincrawlers; they use the name without any respect for the soul.


I got into death metal around ~2000. At that point I reached the incredibly named anus.com.* Y'all might laugh, but this was a super reactionary place at that point. I'll always remember the triggering moment for me: a simple question of whether culture determined race (social constructionism), or whether race determined culture. Just that possibility led me down a rabbit hole that never ceased. My nasty right-wing thoughts ever permeated, and after a touch of Sowell, I was done for.

*These days, some of the reviews on the old website are available at deathmetal.org.

--- a little drunk, so including some links:

**Never stopped creating and being into metal. Recent album from me: https://youtu.be/s3t07Bm_xYc

***and some beautiful metal from one of my favorite metal bands - no worries about wokeness here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hX08XkWW7HU&t=1759s

**** and some more nice black metal https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QIkL52qlcHA



Was listening to Moldbug here and he made a great analogy around the 51 minute mark.

(Context - him shitting on rufo and desantis and people like them who think they can make ideological change in the courts/through laws.)

In order to match the power the left has in our society the right would have to do something like the following:

Imagine there were judicial tribunals created for the abolition of critical race theory. filled with ex-patriot prayer members, white activists, etc. Of course now 'reformed' (they went back to law school after all). People who were 10-20 years ago were once alt-righters would be fining and even jailing their ideological opponents in banana courts.

Think about how absurd that sounds. Then recognize this is what exists today in the west, except from the opposite side. This is the way our current judiciary works. This is human rights tribunals. Ex-left wing terrorists are judges and advisors to deep power. The patent absurdity of the opposite happening demonstrates just how far the right is from any sort of power in the west.


The little shitshow with Karlyn Borsenko absolutely refusing to call CRT anti-white (despite it being so obviously anti-white) has made me sad.

Thing is though, she is right that any mention of 'anti-white' brings out some white supremacist retards. She's wrong in her solution though. It is not a good solution to lie and say that CRT is really racist against all groups (which is about as stupid as saying mein kampf is racist against all groups), it's rather that it's simply not white supremacist to call something anti-white if it is indeed obviously anti-white. Linking telling the truth with white supremacy is really, really, REALLY stupid.

I just want to be normal. For example, travel to South Korea or Japan. The Koreans and Japanese are friendly, generous, and don't hate themselves. They would be willing to say something is anti-Korean or anti-Japanese, and have some relationship and affinity to their ancestry. Doesn't make them genocidal.

Because of our cultural brainwashing, if you want that for european ancestry, you get brainwashed liberals screaming at you that you must be a white supremacist, which is effective enough at scaring people away such that it becomes reality, and you really do get stuck with a bunch of dipshit white supremacists just for wanting a basic and reasonable racial identity that the entire world had before ww2, and many still have today (as long as you're not white).


  1. Bill Gates went from hero to zero.

  2. Fauci getting FOIA'd by WaPo.

  3. Lab Leak becoming legit and some anti-China sentiment being allowed.

All of these vastly surprise me. Never would have guessed the media would have swapped on these politically polarized issues. This means I don't understand something about the world. What is it?

Is it just because the Republicans are so weak so the left is factionalizing and eating their own? Is there a switch in elite interests behind the scenes? Power grab in the deep state that we don't know about?


In 1984 and Brave New World, we saw extremely effective authoritarian governments of different sorts.

While of course elements of those books exist in our structures today, there is one key difference: Western governments, and western elite, are now incompetent. They have inherited a once meritocratic, productive system, and turned it into precisely the opposite.

Despite this, the authoritarian impulses of these fools are increasing. In the U.S. the power of the federal government has correlated precisely with its decreasing competence. Garbage public schools, useless regulations, terrible laws which every citizen violates 5+ of which every day, leading to the dysfunctional anarcho-tyranny which we now live in.

Does anyone know any books or media which actually got this right? I'm guessing maybe cyberpunk/corporatist dystopias?


Where is the least long-term fucked place to move to? I'm thinking 30+ years down the line. Looking at avoiding both anti-white and anti-freedom (covid) developments.

In the U.S., Florida looks great, but is extremely reliant on DeSantis being a boss. South Dakota/Idaho are possibilities as well. Again, I'm concerned with the temporary nature of their 'resistance'.

Is Japan or South Korea an option? Is Chinese supremacy going to be a problem there 30 years from now?

Eastern Europe?


Think it's possible to file for political asylum to get out of the U.S. if things continue down this path?