Ziym 6 points ago +6 / -0

None of it is worth watching ads for imo. If someone puts effort into a high-production video they probably have a Patreon or merch site if you want to support them meaningfully. I've lost track of how many Youtubers I watch have uploaded videos explaining how they've been demonetized or shadowbanned into oblivion.

Ziym 2 points ago +2 / -0

They won't be in office in two more years. Next election is at the latest Oct 2025 and they're projected to lose 2/3rds of the seats they hold.


Conservatives are so far in the range of majority that even if they performed as poorly as possible given current polls they would still win a majority.

Ziym 20 points ago +20 / -0

It didn't pass, it got a reading in the House. That means it has to get approved two more times by the house (likely as NPD-Lib work together), but also approved three times by the Senate, where this bill will likely die. That is what happened last time they tried this exact thing about 2 years ago. Each reading also takes ~2-6 months to prepare, so Trudeau will likely be out of office before this can be made law on even if the Senate fast-tracked it.