YeeFucknHawCommies 9 points ago +9 / -0

Which is why he should have spammed the fuck out of that phrase, for two reasons: 1) Because fuck the left AND 2) Angry people don't fight well, keeping the left angry unbalances them in every aspect of their miserable lives and that is winning.

YeeFucknHawCommies 8 points ago +8 / -0

The only biological dependents you're allowed to have are a wahmen's halfrican children from a failed experiment in diversity. Anything else, dog, cat, gold fish, is racist.

YeeFucknHawCommies 5 points ago +8 / -3

Hurr durr. You don’t agree with me so you’re muh stormcuck muh rayciss AND illiterate. Stick to sniffing your own farts, it isn’t much but you’re good at it.

YeeFucknHawCommies 9 points ago +12 / -3

The second you start talking about white genocide, some random will chime in with muh stormcuck or some derivative, in an attempt to shame op into silence (see: dagthegnome). A large swath of normies are unreformable civnats. They’re scared of being labeled muh rayciss and inoculated against facts and reason.

YeeFucknHawCommies 19 points ago +19 / -0

I thought it was all the rage for tranny males to get preggs? Xer is missing a huge opportunity here to have a black baby daddy felon and graduate from jail into single otherhood.

YeeFucknHawCommies 5 points ago +5 / -0

Glen’s entire life is a perfect avatar of a collapsing decadent empire. What’s fucking hilarious is that he likely thinks he has value beyond slave labor should said empire collapse.

YeeFucknHawCommies 10 points ago +10 / -0

If I didn’t have better things to do I’d become a baker, find a tall building, open a shop with roof access, quietly convert to islam and wait.

YeeFucknHawCommies 18 points ago +18 / -0

If I were him, I would convert to Islam the next time that tranny came by my shop.