WxPepeN 3 points ago +3 / -0

Fair point, but nothing will change if we don't start making examples of people.

WxPepeN 1 point ago +1 / -0

The parents are already brainwashed if they sent their kids to this indoctrination camp

WxPepeN 5 points ago +5 / -0

Much of the industry is already brainwashed liberals, so very easy to reprogram into enthusiastic foot soldiers (I very much enjoy that term, by the way).

Additionally, the ~$38,000 payout per COVID death and countless other incentives (coersions, in some cases) was enough to get most "healthcare professionals" on board. The second they had this carrot dangled in front of them, they had no problem giving up their so-called "oath". It sure made it easy to see what a scam it all is, "covid" aside.