Torrvarpen 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is a big part of the problem too. The vast majority of all the wealth produced in Sweden comes from the mines in the north and the great forests in the midwest. The bigger cities doesn't produce anything of value other then useless government paper flipping bureaucratic jobs.

Most taxes goes to Stockholm from where it's distributed to Malmö, Göteborg and a few other big cities. In return migrants are then dumped in all the smaller counties and then instructed to vote for socialism.

Same shit seems to happen in the US right now. And you're absolutely right. The only solution is to let them suffer from the consequences of their own policies. Dump migrants as close as possible to where the elite lives, usually you'd get paid with tax money to house them as well, so buy a house near the elite and flood it with Afghans.

As for the transfer of wealth, all you can do is to organize, everyone will have to stop paying taxes to the federal government.

Torrvarpen 1 point ago +1 / -0

Greenland, without a gun...

What, the environmentalists always demand we save the polar bears, why not feed them.

Torrvarpen 1 point ago +1 / -0

It happens all the time, just wait for the heat to go down. MSM stay silent because they fear copycats if they report such lynchings.

Torrvarpen 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sweden has JAS planes, those fuckers are so fast that nothing can shoot them down. They'll be gone before even making a sound or appearing on the radar.

Torrvarpen 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not on her own probably because she's literally retarded and wouldn't even know how to get to the airport on her own. But it's very possible that the pigfuckers in the socialist or environmentalist party brought her along and told her to hold up such sign while taking pictures.

Torrvarpen 1 point ago +1 / -0

She voted for this.

Like others mentioned, she's literally retarded. Her brain is on the same mental stage as a kid. This statement is correct tho, despite the mental illness she's allowed to vote.

This means the the corrupt pigfuckers in the socialist or environmentalist party will come to the asylum where she lives and pick her up, offer her some free candy and then tell her to vote left. Which she'll do because she's retarded and have no idea what's going on.

There is a difference, but the end result is just as bad.

Torrvarpen 1 point ago +1 / -0

This ^^, and what's even scarier is that the government use the increased crime they caused to increase mass surveillance and implement more tyrannical laws for everyone.

Torrvarpen 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not to mention that despite looking "luxury", western European prisons focus on rehabilitation so you can't just walk around freely. You sit in your cell at all time. If you're lucky the cell window can be opened for 1 hour per day which allows some fresh air.

Any time you need to go somewhere you'll have to bend over and 4 guards will escort you. It's basically impossible to communicate with other prisoners and the outside world, and impossible to escape.

Prisons in Sweden are also typically very old buildings without ventilation, AC and unreliable heating so you'll have very hot summers and very cold winters.

Torrvarpen 2 points ago +2 / -0

They needed a control group, and the control group has to be average and similar to most of the west which seems to be the main area they want to depopulate.

They would need tracking of every citizen, which once again makes Sweden a good choice as such infrastructure already exist. All it takes is to combine the logs from all private companies. Lot's of people use google maps for navigation with gps, every store chain has a membership program with discounts (and tracking), most interactions with the government is done digitally using a digital id that tracks your location. Internet connectivity almost everywhere. And the country is almost cashless.

As for the narrative, 100% of MSM is state funded and state approved. This is ironically why Sweden always rank high in "freedom of press", while in reality, any journalist who actually do journalism and investigate the government corruption does not get any money from the government obviously, and does not get the same legal protection as government approved journalists. So it's not uncommon for actual journalists to get censored from the internet and publishing companies, some even goes to prison.

And as you know, most libtards and lefties allover the world trust fake news media, who obviously get their information from fake news state controlled media in Sweden. State television (fake public service) has for months been fearmongering, crying about new cases, worse than ever REEEE, even tho stats says no new deaths for like a month. Sweden really has the the most fake, fake news media.

Torrvarpen 3 points ago +3 / -0

Partially yes, the people did good, but the government fucked up as usual. Increased ventilation in apartment blocks or office buildings requires work from companies or the government, who would also have to pay more so that really never happened, I guess the problem sorted itself out with Surface and object cleaning as it also implies less dust flying around in the air.

As for Avoiding crowding, public transit companies quickly switched to weekend schedule, despite no decrease in the amount of travelers. This made every bus and train about twice as crowded as usual. Herd immunity was also the goal in the beginning, even if the government denies is. So there where literally people traveling around the country with the sole purpose to infect others.

Torrvarpen 3 points ago +3 / -0

They are especially ignorant to every law, especially those that keeps the society functional which is why nothing works anymore. The small police force where just enough to deal with local crimes before Olof Palme decided to mass import every monkey he could find to use as vote cattle for the socialist party.

This was back in the 70's, socialist party where falling, the country was more wealthy than ever so people started to vote more conservative in order to preserve the current state at the time, and lower the taxes.

It's funny, because the socialist party has always said "profit comes later", when their immigration politics is being criticized. Guess they where right, Sweden would definitely have turned out worse than Australia if the government had strict control over the people. But thanks to it being a failed state, it's also impossible to implement government tyranny.

Torrvarpen 5 points ago +5 / -0

That's the main difference, Swedes don't trust the government. The only rules people obey are the ones needed to keep the society operational. Traffic rules are for the most part respected, except speed limits because the government always tries to lower them at all cost.

Alcohol... there's no way that can be regulated, there's a shitload of laws but nobody gives a fuck. Still, it doesn't harm anyone.

Waiting in line in a store... people realize it's just faster that way than if everyone where to fight over who's next.

I guess you can call it a hive mind in that sense, but the government has no say in what opinions that hive mind is supposed to have. All government can do is to raise taxes in an attempt to change peoples behaviour, but people always finds workarounds and loopholes if the new rule cannot be ignored.

Torrvarpen 9 points ago +9 / -0

People have been turned away for decades. Despite the mass immigration, no new hospitals has been built. Smaller medical clinics has also shut down to save money, those where supposed to offload some of the minor injuries from the hospitals, while also housing dentists and a pharmacy.

Migrants however ignore the rules and head straight to the hospitals emergency room, no matter what minor issue they have. Socialists only tell them the healthcare is "free", not how it works.

Torrvarpen 11 points ago +11 / -0

although I refuse to believe it was based on science.

Anders Tegnell may be an idiot, but at least he understands scientific method. He once proposed to put Statin in the drinking water to lower peoples cholesterol, only problem is, that would have increased the risk of dementia and alzheimer. Luckily that faced too much resistance from the public so it was cancelled.

He also made the "plate model", which is a government designed chart over how to eat healthy, it goes something like 30% meat, 30% veggies and 40% bread, rice, sawdust... shit without nay sort of nutritious. People who obey it looks like North Korean factory workers.

I think the feminist government just didn't know what else to do and said fuck it we'll ignore it and see what happens.

Yep, this was also part of it. They did take advice from Anders Tegnell (Sweden's version of Fauci), but neither him or the government really had any clue on what to do. They also managed to burn every respirator and mask in the country just weeks before the plandemic broke out because they ran out of garbage at the heating plants, and had to throw in anything they could find into the boilers.

Torrvarpen 8 points ago +8 / -0

Less than 50% has had two doses, and lot's of AstraZeneca in the beginning, blood cloths aside that one was probably still the least dangerous one. Stat's probably fake as well because doses has been bought and then shipped to foreign countries, doses has been thrown away. Found in trash and in the sewage.

There's also been cases of libtards getting more doses than they should. God knows how many but these idiots are obsessed with the jab. Nobody really knows how many doses has actually been injected, and how many of those are placebo.

If Sweden is the worlds control group, then all the jabs could be placebo, after all, gotta have a control group on shedding too, and Sweden is easy to isolate, but most importantly, a majority of the citizens are already tracked by their phone, cards (cashless) and many other systems.

Torrvarpen 8 points ago +8 / -0

Hmm, Biden withdrawing troops from Afganistan, Prime minister Löfven of Sweden resigns, lot's of fake refugees (including Talibans)living in the ghettos, crime on it's way up due to lack of police and government fuckery.

Wouldn't surprise me if a terror attack happens somewhere in the US, 9/11 style, and Sweden is blamed for it, "BuT SwEdEn HaS NuClEaR wEaPoNs" then there's a war -> martial law -> lock downs -> people dies obviously. But ohh, now covid is back.

Torrvarpen 1 point ago +1 / -0

Vote socialist they say, you get free stuff they say... I guess the rape was technically free. 🤡 Honk Honk 🤡

Torrvarpen 4 points ago +4 / -0

Nah, there is actually human trafficking with real kids going on. These tie dye witches take these orphan kids home only to rape them, leftist women raping little refuge boys. all at the taxpayers expense, doesn't that make your blood boil? Now wonder based locals burn down these asylum centers before the busload of rapefugees arrive.

Torrvarpen 1 point ago +1 / -0

As always, the answer is socialism, and with socialism you get technicalities. See if you end up in prison while being innocent you get a certain amount of money for every day to cover the damages to your life so to speak. This in theory isn't a bad idea, just consider the Jan 6th political prisoners who are innocent and has been in jail for months. Wouldn't it be fair if corrupt demonrats where forced to pay them fines for the time wasted?

Now of course that won't happen, because the demonrats are corrupt. And in Sweden there used to be personal responsibility for bureaucrats. Meaning, if a government worker fuck up, they pay the damage from their own pockets. This was changed by infamous Olof Palme back in the 70's so now it's the taxpayers who take the hit instead. No wonder that faggot got shot right.

So back to modern time, and the problem which caused this circus. The rapist, after being in prison for a few months manage to legally change his age, or maybe the socialist bureaucrats forgot to check his age before throwing him in prison. Anyway, it was determined that he was 17 years old when committing the crime. And for some retarded reason kids (anyone younger than 18) can't get charged for any crime.

Surprise, surprise. This is why all the migrant criminals lie about their age, "beard kids" is a common slur for those faggots, possibly referring to their Taliban look.

Torrvarpen 2 points ago +2 / -0

SD, AfS, NMR, and possibly a whole bunch of local parties. Geographically it's stupid to close the internal European borders, that would be like having closed borders between US states. Many natives cross it on a daily basis.

The mentioned parties are the ones who wanna stop migration, and particularly welfare migration and illegal immigration. They all want to deport foreign criminals. M and KD are stricter than the left and libtard parties but not strict enough on illegal immigration.

It's estimated to have a majority who want to stop welfare immigration and deport criminal foreigners after 2022 election, and SD will likely be the biggest party.

Torrvarpen 1 point ago +1 / -0

Most based people has become based that exact way, or by knowing someone who suffered. Problem is, MSM won't ever mention it. But, MSM will make a big deal if there's a cuck who suffer and then defend those who fucked it. They're promoting Stockholm syndrome basically.

Torrvarpen 1 point ago +1 / -0

Bingo, and this is why nobody except the vote cattle and a few cucks vote socialist anymore.

Torrvarpen 3 points ago +3 / -0

With Biden in charge it's soon gonna be that exchange rate. Keep in mind 840k SEK would be 74k Trump bucks, but $96k Biden bucks.

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