TigerRider 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is a Great Awakening special... If you've only been dealing with ConPro just wait until you have to deal with GA, they make ConPro look like reddit users.

TigerRider 5 points ago +5 / -0

They should pull a Star Trek or something and just pretend the whole shitty trilogy and additional movies was just an alternate timeline. Remake them.

TigerRider 3 points ago +3 / -0
  1. Women don't treat men who earn less than them the same way they treat men who earn more than them. Men want to be treated in the manner women treat men who earn more than them. That is all.

  2. Most men are ready for marriage and children but most men don't want to rush into a marriage because of the significant risks involved. Also, no man wants to share the responsibility of raising a child 50/50. Ideally, pretty much all men want the woman to be the primary caretaker with the man being the supporting influence on child rearing. This ties into #1 because almost all women who are "high-achievers" want to split the child rearing 50/50 or even ask the man to take primary responsibility. Men simply do not want this. Men are ready for children but women simply don't want to provide the child rearing support men would need to decide to have children.

  3. Women cheat more than men. Women are significantly less attractive after the age of ~25yo. The issue is that women tend to act like men shouldn't regard them with less value at 40yo compared to 25yo but a 25yo woman will always be more attractive than a 40yo woman. That's a fact. Most high-achieving women act when they're 40yo as if they're a bigger catch than an attractive 25yo but they aren't. If these high achieving woman acted with more humility and humbleness, it wouldn't lead to as much relationship instability and rapture.