jachinboaz -1 points ago +1 / -2

As far as Rome today? See Capello Romano. The hat worn by the Pope. Also called Saturno. The black and white outfit with the ring on it is for duality. The knowledge of the left and right hand path of the magic. The knowledge of good and evil.

Catholic priests rape kids and Judaism sucks infant boy penises in circumcision rites. Google circumcision and herpes. This is just a modern version of child sacrifice because Saturn ate his children. You can't publicly do this like they used to with Moloch statutes so they destroy children's minds. Make them into golems. Led to things like MK Ultra.

Good golem celebrities that short circuit every once in awhile. Happened with Britney Spears once. She saved her head and was wearing the Star of Chiun in her "breakdown". They had her wearing a pink MK Ultra wig and carrying the Zohar a week later.

Anyway enjoy the containment Mossad sub.

deleted 0 points ago +1 / -1
jachinboaz 8 points ago +11 / -3

Not that it was in doubt but Rachel was born to a Jewish family in New York and can be seen kvetching about the lack of Hanukah emojis on social media.