TheImpossible1 -6 points ago +1 / -7

Market fundamentalism is the only economic theory proven to work in practice.

TheImpossible1 -4 points ago +1 / -5

I don't want to be as bad as my enemy.

TheImpossible1 -7 points ago +1 / -8

Sarah Palin. I had to look it up, there were actually five porn parodies of her.

I'm not sure what kind of list I'll be on for looking that up.

TheImpossible1 -16 points ago +1 / -17

I'm probably on a lot of lists already.

Yet he never failed to appreciate the importance of women’s support of his young Party and to credit them for it. Years after his 1923 prison term, he reminisced that it was women who kept the National Socialist faith alive while his male followers indulged in acrimony. “I left jail after thirteen months imprisonment to find (women) had sustained the movement. Instead of weighing the odds in a prudent and rational manner, they followed the dictates of their hearts and have stood by me, emotionally speaking, to this day.” Before 1931, many women’s organizations supported Nationalism, some openly advocating for Hitler’s NSDAP. Guida Diehl’s Nationalist Newland Movement predated the Nazi Party by at least six years. She recruited from the well-educated, Protestant establishment and wrote in her memoirs of her first impressions of Hitler in mid-1920s: “Serious, warm, and natural – he set out his goals. He brought nothing new. Just a summary of the very best of our national tradition. He offered a dynamic organization where others relied on uninspired party politics.”

No feminist agenda at all.

TheImpossible1 -6 points ago +1 / -7

Sure, what are you hoping to see at Definitely Not E3™ next month?

TheImpossible1 -8 points ago +2 / -10

To be fair, wasn't there at least four parody porn films of her? I vaguely remember it being the most hilarious thing to people outside of America.

I'm surprised nobody's done an AOC one.

TheImpossible1 -4 points ago +6 / -10

Let me just ruin that support with a crazy extrapolation.

AOC simps on the left consider her attractive because she's the acceptable woman to like. The only reason she gets anywhere beyond her Glass of Water (D) district is because of the bizarre attitude to sexual feelings on the left, where they think the virtue of electing her is enough to counter their original sin of finding her attractive.

TheImpossible1 -3 points ago +9 / -12

MAGA cultist

You sound more and more like a leftist every time I hear you. DeSimptis is done already and he hasn't even announced.

Now we need to kill off his WEF backed "protect women" agenda.

Gaetz is a grifter. He'll attach himself to whoever is winning and whatever he thinks is politically good. He's trying to out-simp the DeSimps to survive in Florida.

I knew he wasn't my ally when he made a big celebration of stopping women getting drafted. How's that one going for you!

TheImpossible1 -34 points ago +6 / -40

Nobody's sending death threats. Hoax as old as time itself.

TheImpossible1 -13 points ago +3 / -16

They usually start with the plethora of books and statement where they explicitly state that white people are a problem to be eliminated or controlled

So, like women write against men and nobody bats an eyelid?

Your side is just a bizzaro version of mine, created out of some sort of necessity to poison the well.

TheImpossible1 -6 points ago +5 / -11

I am working against women holding positions of power. I've been voting against female board members at every shareholder meeting I have the level of assets required to attend, but nobody's getting ousted. I don't have the numbers, I don't have the wealth to force it through.

For now, we're winning against the resolutions for gender "equity" audits, mainly because the board (and all the autopilot proxy votes) are against it, but I'm seeing more and more of that attempted. If one passes, the dam breaks.

Instead of caring about the shiny keys women and the WEF are waving in front of your faces with Mulvaney and the "women's sports" brigade maybe we should focus on the real problems. Instead of going on about Blackrock being "muh Jewish agenda", we should be focusing on the legal reasons why they should have no votes on shares held for somebody else. Can you imagine how absurd it would be in any other format? Imagine if your landlord could cast your vote in the elections for you! That's how you frame this shit to a fucking normal person. You don't go on about Jewish conspiracies and make the mere mention of the name induce eyerolls to everyone who doesn't have an Adolf Hitler painting in their living room.

Added to that, for those who do get a vote on the proposals, if you don't vote, the system votes for you, on the board's recommendations. That means yes to everyone on the board currently. That's how these people remain. Fix those two issues and you fix the system - nobody would dare rig a shareholder vote.

Why should I compromise with people who literally want to destroy my life and laugh about it? Why should I compromise with people who are shown clear paths to victory and ignore them? Neither women themselves nor their allies have any value as allies to anything good. We've seen that with how the right has gotten since they became a larger part of it.

Where was the push to take back the WI Supreme Court by leveraging the woman's DV conviction against her? No, instead we get women's shill crap. I'm sure that's just a coincidence and there aren't people making sure the right doesn't deviate from a pro-woman paths. The same day we lost Wisconsin for good, everyone was told to go after Bud Light. That'll help us reach 270! No, don't try to remove activist feminist judges who will entrench voter fraud, get mad at piss beer.

TheImpossible1 -8 points ago +4 / -12

You can't count like that, then you're trying to work out if their loyalty is to being a woman or to their ethnic group.

TheImpossible1 -20 points ago +4 / -24

Now do you believe she's milking it?

TheImpossible1 -5 points ago +5 / -10

What weird count are you making? There's 17 women out of 21 total people. That's what "diversity" really means.

Nobody's buying the theories that we can have an alliance with those people. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink.

Jews/elites/leftists/commies could blow double the GDP of the entirety of Europe on making women harm us but if they didn't want to do it, they wouldn't. Blaming anyone else but them is a cop-out.

TheImpossible1 -2 points ago +8 / -10

I'm not paying for women to get fake tits.

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