Telia 1 point ago +5 / -4

If you want to post about that then post about that instead of whining about what I post. . Do you enjoy giving money to israel or something? Every time i mention anything about this topic you leap in to say "muh both sides bad" or in this case "whataboutism " and accusing me of "shilling" because i dont want my tax money to fund israel's mass murder of children . You keep claiming you think both sides are bad but i do think you have more of a bias in support of israel . For someone who claims to not have a side in the conflict you seem to love to defend israel's mass murder of children anytime someone brings it up.

Telia 4 points ago +7 / -3

they couldn't be trusted with weapons

What SHOULD have happened was they were converted culturally and then had rights restored,

So basically "we will only allow you weapons once we've brainwashed you to think the way we want you to think"

Gee i wonder if that doesn't set any bad precedence. Like i dont know.... Leftists taking away guns from right wingers and deciding to only give the guns back after they've brainwashed right wingers to become leftists

Telia 9 points ago +16 / -7

You know that the Allied powers were disarming not just the Japanese military but the Japanese CIVILIANS right? i thought you would understand that the civilians are not the military nor the government. The whole argument over civilians having the right to have guns is so that they can fight the government is it not? and yet the Allied powers obviously didnt believe in that as they disarmed the Japanese civilians

Telia 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's not a call for violence. Is it a call for violence when someone says a president needs to be removed? "removed from our society" generally means "removed from power" or "expelled".

The actual calls for violence is the other examples that were shown in the thread of israelis going "kill them all" and "flatten and glass Gaza" and those people didn't get banned

Telia 22 points ago +22 / -0

He's even doing the "Wakanda forever" thing. Yasuke is as real as Wakanda is.

Telia 12 points ago +12 / -0

Hmm i wonder if anyone is going to make up laws to make it illegal to deny the atrocities that israel is committing just like they make up laws to make it illegal to deny the holocaust

Lol who am i kidding only the Chosen People™ get that privilege

Telia 7 points ago +8 / -1

But if we stayed out of the Middle East our precious Chosen People™ , won't get the funding to maim and murder children and we can't have that can we? .

Telia 6 points ago +6 / -0

Sorry but i don't trust the judgement of the guy who once said that we should support israel because "Palestinian's goal is to kill all jews (when the opposite is happening and israel is trying to kill all Palestinians) and then after that they will want to kill all Christians and Atheists' " https://archive.md/XzCkN

Also "mUh RUsSiA" lmao.

Telia 0 points ago +2 / -2

Do you think this Palestinian child deserved this? https://x.com/Bernadotte22/status/1808949174463050046

Nearly half of Gaza's population that is getting slaughtered are children btw

Telia 4 points ago +5 / -1

"Point of fact, it's not possible to be shitty to Israelis. As Cohens, they deserve the worst of the worst anyone on earth can give them. It is good to see them destroyed".

Are you ok with saying this too .?

Telia 14 points ago +17 / -3

Ah yes, it was the nazis that led Germany to destruction and occupation. Not the Weimar government that was full of degeneracy. Not the Allied powers who supported the Weimar government. Not the Allied powers who destroyed the Germans who had opposed the Weimar government, and certainly not the Allied powers who reinstituted the Weimar government 2.0.

The Allied powers were totally the good guys.

Telia 16 points ago +21 / -5

You're zionist, so your opinion on this topic doesn't matter.

Telia 9 points ago +9 / -0

In case people don't know who Lucas Gage is. He's basically a twitter account that exposes jewish shitty behavior against Whites and Palestinians , which is why all this is happening.

Telia 21 points ago +24 / -3

The top part is Germany ruled by Germans

The bottom part is Germany ruled by foreigners.

Telia 13 points ago +13 / -0

People like your old roommate is what turns people away from Christianity.

by Telia
Telia 2 points ago +2 / -0

Meh , not sure , you can ask the guy who tweeted this where he got it from. I will say this. This is not the first time i've seen israelis behaving like this though

by Telia
Telia 2 points ago +2 / -0

Im guessing he just used right click and "translate to english" option which would translate the message but not the title of the channel

Telia 15 points ago +16 / -1

I think it was this video that got him banned https://files.catbox.moe/ce4l6i.mp4 . Jews got really mad over this,

Btw if you think this is extreme, understand that Lucas and his family have been getting non stop rape and death threats from jews for months , and getting swatted because jews keep contacting the FBI on him and making up false charges against him, simply because he exposes jewish behavior against Whites and Palestinians. So its understandable he's angry with them.

Telia 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lol Christians would never be tricked in to joining muslims. Christians ARE currently getting tricked in to joining jews by jews pretending that they worship the same god as Christians do, which couldn't be further from the truth

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