Seems it's been updated since this morning.
In Captain America The First Avenger, he wasn't even fighting Nazis. They were being controlled by the Red Skull who was the real enemy of World War II. What parallels can we make of this to the real world?
Or maybe you should stop taking yours.
That's not what that word means either. Media is a medium. What you choose to do with it is up to you. Your story is based on your understanding of the tools you use to craft it. Morals are meant to be seen. Not themes.
- Themes are tools
If you are a hack pushing propaganda. Yes, they are meant to be seen.
An aneurysm from not caring about the opinion of a dead man? O.K. On your advice I won't read or care about Wittgenstein.
Because themes are authors tools, and not meant to be seen. You do not need to know the themes of Buffy to understand this discussion. It's relevant in the fact that it's irrelevant.
I just now made it relevant to the topic. But you already know that don't you?
Of course you don't. You don't even need to think. As you already know everything.
So, tell me the themes of Buffy without looking them up.
This is my thread. You are the one refusing to adhere to the discussion as proposed in the title. If you want to know something that is off topic. You go find that on your own. In addition, you do not need to 'understand me'. You need to understand the topic in the title.
O.K. But you don't drive the theme. The theme is a story writers tool and not a part of the story. The story and narrative are what the audience is meant to see, not the themes. The theme is something you fall back on when you get confused or lost as a writer, just as the frame of a building is not to be seen once the building is completed. As with scaffolding, you should be able to remove the theme from your story, leaving no traces, and still have an intact story.
- Themes are authors tools.
- Themes are irrelevant to the viewer or reader.
- Themes are not morals
- Themes are not messages
- Themes are not story
- Themes are not narratives
Of course I can't talk to you like a human. As this is text. And none of this has anything to do with the topic of my thread that you are refusing to participate in, or understand. But you already know that don't you?
You literally have no idea what a theme is do you?
Have some cheese bro.
Oh my God, it's like you read my biography! Yep, you got me. Tell all your friends that you found the weirdo gooru guy and pwned him on your phone. Your mum and dad will be so proud.
Of course not.
Wait... That was your answer to, "Did you even read the title?"
Well you got me there! I can't debate that!
The point of this post is in the title. And so is the answer.
- What is a Theme?
How are you failing this hard?
Yes, every conversation is a 'chatbox'. Especially, if you are told explicitly, that you are not being told something, as it detracts from the point. Which is the point.
But you need to know something, even if it's not the point of the conversation, and other people must provide this information to you. Or they are a bot? Think about that won't you.
Did you even read the title?
Exactly. You do not know, because you do not need to know them. As this is an author's tool, and not a narrative device.
That's a screen cap from Buffy The Vampire Slayer. A show that didn't force it's themes into the spot light.
I actually find her attractive. Disney however did not make a Snow White movie.