Noitcaukatok 2 points ago +3 / -1

Nothing wrong with a graphical update when PS1 gfx looked like ass. The issue is that it's not a remake, it's a retarded reimagining with all the stupidity of modern gaming. And of course, the people somehow cheered for it cause they have no taste

Noitcaukatok 9 points ago +9 / -0

Gross. Does steam do that too?

Noitcaukatok 1 point ago +3 / -2

Good idea but flawed. You'd only lead them to vilify an image that is dear to us. The media would write non stop about how the happy white family is a symbol of white supremacy and racism so effectively you'd play into their hand.

I have a better and more devious solution... Show them pictures of a Muslim family. THIS is their true weakness. They know the brownies hate them and are fundamentally incompatible with their cult. BUT, they've also been brainwashed by the globohomo elites to vouch for mass immigration. By answering their bs with Muslim pictures you short circuit their brains because they can't deal with this double think shit, the media also wouldn't dare intervene. At the same time, you might even rally Muslims bystander to your cause as they'd think you're a fellow coran cunt that's just fighting for the will of Allah. Effectively, you'd pit both your enemies against each other. Divide and conquer my friend