Like parasites, India is dead set on spreading its people across the world for financial gain, and Trump seems to be more than happy to open the Pajeet floodgates.

Canada’s Pajeet problem is so bad that even the leftists hate them, and Pajeet replacement in America has been ramped up significantly in the tech sector these past few years, and will spread to other sectors soon enough. I’m tired of all of this bullshit and the seemingly never-ending push for more cheap, incompetent Pajeet labor.


The insidious thing about Ghost of Tsushima is that the woke elements were generally kept in the side content that the majority of players ignored. I tried to play some of the side content, but a lot of it was so boring that I didn’t bother getting far enough to really see more of the wokeness. Outside of the women being ugly in general, the main story really wasn’t obviously woke, even though the story never really contextualizes concepts like honor and seppuku adequately nor does the game sufficiently show the brutality of the Mongols.

I think many of us were expecting Sucker Punch to follow the same trend of every other post-PS3 era Playstation studio where the first game is fine or even good, only for the team to hire shit writers and go out of its way to be more woke. The hiring of that woman to be the actress for the main character is merely indicative of the values that Sucker Punch push. Erika Ishii may not influence the game itself (though let’s not kid ourselves, she is a rich activist whose entire persona is being as obnoxiously leftist as possible, so of course she will influence the characterization), but Sucker Punch deliberately chose this woman to represent their game, meaning they agree with what she stands for.

Assassin’s Creed Shadows should have been the wake-up call for a lot of people, but the problem is that because it is so ridiculous, the Overton Window has shifted. Now treating GoY with skepticism is seen as an overreaction because the main protagonist is Japanese. I don’t plan on buying GoY, one because the gameplay of Ghost of Tsushima got very boring and I doubt that the gameplay will become anymore complex, and two because I have seen enough examples from Sony to know that this shit will be gay, lame, and incompetently written. Hopefully you will do the same.


The media machine has gone all in on supporting Kamala Harris, and it is nauseating. Even Biden’s campaign wasn’t nearly as astroturfed as this. I feel like I am watching the Hillary campaign on the steroids, and the Trump Assassination attempt is being treated like it never happened. This is the some of the most intense and terrifying propaganda campaigns the media has ever pulled off.


How long is the internet going to pretend that indie gaming is some kind of bastion of creativity and ingenuity? For YEARS, we have been assaulted with trailers of indie games that push the same propaganda as AAA games, if not worse than AAA games oftentimes. So many indie games have female protagonists, or LGBT, or black women as protagonists and are filled with SJW themes or marvel slop humor and dialogue. Even the ones that aren’t filled with that garbage tend to just make derivative games that regurgitate the same survival crafting, farming, souls-like, deck-building or roguelite/roguelike elements in their games. They are just as guilty of trend-chasing and soullessness as the AA and AAA studios.

You can tell me, “not all indie games are like that,” but if we are giving such leniency to indie gaming as a whole, why do we not do the same for AAA games? AAA games of today are complete slop, with a few exceptions mainly coming out of Japan, and I feel the same way about indie games nowadays.

Why do we continue to defend indie gaming when the indie gaming clique is overwhelmingly filled with the same SJWs who write for game media sites like Kotaku, or work in consultancy groups like Sweet Baby Inc? A big part of GamerGate was the relationship between indie devs and game journalists and how corrupt the relationship was and most likely still is, whether they were having sex for positive coverage, giving financial incentives such as profit-sharing for positive coverage or awards, or just getting positive coverage because they were good friends with the game journos without any disclosures by the game journos, indie devs were at the heart of all of this controversy and the fact that people are willing to give indie gaming a pass for all the woke shit they are inserting into their games is absurd.

It’s ok to praise indie games when they are done well, but it’s foolish to believe that the indie developers producing anything of actual value would be the ones who take over the industry and not the SJWs who are seemingly able to fail their way upwards.


It’s pretty clear that the Judicial System is currently the most corrupt government institution in the US. Judges and lawyers have become ideologically aligned with the left and are openly defiant of the Constitution and any laws that get in the way of their political ideology and activism. This isn’t limited to blue states, as every state including Texas is filled with leftist activists who are lawyers, DAs, and judges, etc. The corruption is dire and every facet of the Judicial system has been ideologically captured by the left. They are creating laws out of thin air through rulings in favor of leftist activism and the right just accepts it. I know this isn’t a new phenomenon, but the blatant disregard and arrogance the Judicial Branch displays is worse than ever. The state of Judicial Power makes it seem that the Founding Fathers failed to understand how the Justice System could be so systemically molded into a tool for enforcing authoritarianism. I do wonder if the Founding Fathers intended for the citizenry to be the real check and balance against the Judicial System through either non-compliance or direct resistance to tyranny of the courts?


I tend to avoid talking politics with my parents (mostly because they watch CNN and MSNBC all of the time), but in rare instances where war comes up, I ask them, "what if they reinstate the draft?" Their immediate response is, "that will never happen" and that is the end of the conversation. I sometimes think they say that because they don't want to even entertain the idea of the possible outcomes of a draft for their children, though perhaps they genuinely believe that the draft would never be reinstated because of potentially how unpopular it would be. I have seen similar strong opinions on this board about the impossibility of a draft in the United States, and I have to wonder why you are all so certain about it?

Time and again we have seen decisions by the government being made that defy logic, especially politically, only for the average citizen to look on in complete apathy at best, and sheer joy at worst. Years of the Syrian Civil War being plastered everywhere with criticisms of US inaction have made the left more hungry for war. The Ukraine War has seen leftist individuals (even the trannies who you would expect to whine and moan about doing anything) actually travel to Ukraine and participate in fighting. The propaganda is powerful, and the apathy towards resisting is even stronger.

I think you would have to be foolish to not even entertain the idea of the Establishment reinstating the draft. It doesn't matter if the logistics would be impossible as that has rarely stopped the government before. As far as I see it, the Silent Generation and the Boomers are not satisfied with merely passing away quietly, they want to go out in a blaze of glory, consequences for their children, and the human race as a whole, be damned.


It's pathetic how Yasuke has basically become accepted as a real person who definitely existed. The propaganda has been put on repeat and pushed for so long now that any debate of his actual existence is over.

Talk to any retard and they will not even entertain the idea that the "evidence" from Jesuit writings may have been fabricated or embellished for the sake of a promotion. They will merely say that there is other evidence, without knowing what that evidence is. The idea of even questioning his existence is seen as taboo to the average normie. Even people who are against his inclusion in Assassin's Creed are merely arguing that he was only a "Retainer" and not a "Samurai," giving legitimacy to the historical revisionism that is being attempted.

The overton window will continue to shift to the point where Yasuke's existence will be elevated to "he was an important warrior in Nobunuga's army" because leftists and dishonest Historians will pull shit out of their ass and reference each other in circular reporting until the normies begin to accept it as true because it makes them sound smarter to know some random historical fact.


I work in a position surrounded by women, and most of them get very excited at the idea of doing "games" or creating "fun themed events" and all of that shit. I avoid participating as much as possible because it's all very juvenile and sterile. It just made me think that all of HR, the "creating a fun atmosphere," the forced "fun" activities that leadership thinks will "boost morale," etc, is really just the dying breaths of a suppressed maternal instinct. Whether or not they have children, it doesn't matter, as the fact that they are working instead of spending all of their time with their children unconsciously breaks them. Women have infantilized the workplace and demand a corporate environment that replicates the mother-child relationship dynamic simply because they have no other outlet for their maternal instinct. It's sad and pathetic.


I'm skeptical of the actual viability of "A.I." (probably more of a buzzword rather than actual A.I.), but many companies are increasingly seeing AI as a holy grail. I think the default expectation is that tech companies and other companies will lay off the diversity hires to save money, but I honestly don't believe that.

DIE initiatives are so deeply entrenched in Western companies that I firmly believe that they will lay off the competent workers and keep the diversity hires on-board, competency be damned. This is especially true for all of the H-1B Visa pajeets. They will view AI as a way to contain any competency shortfalls and will continue to pursue DIE in the workplace. Cheap labor Pajeets will continue to replace competent workers in tech and their will be a greater push for diversity hires in every department.

I'm being overly-pessimistic here, but I don't see how A.I. would lead to the downfall of DIE initiatives in any capacity.


The Video Game Awards for 2023 (like every year) was a big nothingburger. Trailers highlighting how bad gaming has gotten worse not only with woke shit, but also the lack of gameplay in the majority of Western developed games and their trailers. It’s fucking awful.

Geoff Keighley desperately wants to become a Hollywood big shot and it’s really pathetic… But the thing is he is merely a reflection of the game industry at large and the talentless hacks who have taken over and want to make movies instead of games. Games media and Game Devs are complaining about the lack of focus on devs, and I just don’t give two shits about the plight of game devs.

They created this monster by being embarrassed of their own profession and transforming the industry into a complete and utter joke. They were all spineless cowards who allowed the woke plague to come in and ruin the industry at best, and at worst were completely complicit in the industry-wide brain drain and woke transformation of video games.

When I hear about studio layoffs, I just shrug because nothing of value was lost. When I hear about entire studios shutting down (in the West), I feel nothing, if not perhaps a satisfaction that these studios self-destructed. 

I don’t care about these game devs, because I know they hate my guts and don’t actually care about video games.

The same mindset applies to the vast majority of indie games that are either made by dipshits who couldn’t make it in Hollywood and just see gaming as an alternative outlet to make movies, or woke leftists who don’t have a single creative bone in their body. The fun indie games are buried in a sea of lifeless/woke copycats and walking simulators.

This clown world has made me completely unsympathetic to the plight of most workers overall. Good job elites, your diversity and inclusion plan of division worked. I really don’t care about any of these people.


I've always known that indie gaming was a cesspool of leftist scum, but there were at least a decent amount of games that tried to have some semblance of good gameplay,. Now though, the scene is absolutely dominated by trannies and faggots in the West. The Nintendo Indie Direct epitomized this perfectly. Sure, we had Shantae and Blade Chimera (a game made by a Japanese developer, if I recall correctly), but everything else was just derivative shit. They showed the creative director of some walking simulator "hiking game" and the creative director is an ugly tranny with the squeakiest of voices, of course. It's just a perfect encapsulation of how bad indie gaming in the West has become.

Every other game was some variation of a "cozy" game (like Animal Crossing, but nowhere near the appeal) or a walking simulator with some leftist drivel of a "story." Characters are obnoxious women or minorities, or are degenerate looking furries. The vast majority of games are some variation of roguelike/roguelite, with either farming, crafting, or deckbuilding inserted. Souls-likes are frustratingly common among metroidvania games, and the vast majority of them are some variation of Castlevania Symphony of the Night with Dark Souls (as though they are copying and pasting some kind of gameplay template from somewhere). None of these games try to do anything deeper in terms of gameplay and any "gimmick" is forcefully inserting a different genre that adds nothing to the experience.

As technology becomes easier, more and more lame faggots take over who really don't give a shit about video gaming (they treat games like movies) and just want to make some woke nonsense with as little gameplay as possible. We are at the point where trannies and faggots are the norm rather than the exception, and gaming is completely suffering as a result. What few good indie games coming out compared to the shit, is basically just slightly better than ratio of "good" AAA games to slop AAA games, and it's pointless to pretend that indie gaming is adding anything to the industry other than decline.

These days, Western indie developers shouldn't be seen as talented individuals who wanted to strike out on their own to do their own thing. They should be treated as incompetent leftists who are so awful that even AAA studios refuse to hire them. It's pathetic to see how open and proud these Western indie developers are with their faggot lifestyles, and the games they produce are all soulless and creatively bankrupt.


One thing I have noticed is how prevalent the hustle culture has become among Millennials. LinkedIn is a hotbed of narcissism, and Twitter has a ton of self-proclaimed business superstars who have made money by having companies entirely dependent on using foreign labor and providing shitty service for customers. It's quite appalling how often you hear fellow Millennials go on and on boasting about their own "successes" or try to sell themselves without an ounce of honesty.

The hustle of creating "passive income" means that we are going to see a lot of sociopaths becoming landlords and doing the bare-minimum for those who rent from them, and the quality of services will continue to decline across all companies as there is no value in providing a good service, merely making money. The decline of quality we have seen from the boomer generation onward (yes, that includes you, Generation X, you aren't exempt from being self-destructive narcissists like your parents and your children) is going to ramp up significantly.

Some people will say, "blame the system, not the person," but for god's sake, eventually someone has to stand up and refuse to operate as basically a scam artist. For as many supposed "leftists" there are among Millennials, they sure have no qualms about taking the worst aspects of human greed and using that as their core business model.

Am I over-exaggerating here?


Whenever the LatinX debate comes up, I will always see the fence-sitters like Moistcritikal try to play the anti-woke card of making fun of LatinX while simultaneously playing the woke card of blaming the creation on White People. Central Americans try to chalk up LatinX to being an invention by Whites, but it's all just a fucking cope. All of this LatinX shit has been pushed by people (particularly women) in their own countries for decades and now the second and third generation Latinos in the US have latched onto the idea and are trying to push it in corporate and academic environments in the West.

This isn't a White invention and while the idea has most likely been inspired by Marxists in the West, there is no way in hell that non-Hispanic Americans took the time to create new guidelines for Spanish when they don't even know the difference between the Cuban and Puerto Rican Flags. If the LatinX initiative wasn't pushed by Hispanic diversity hires, then it wouldn't have gone anywhere at all.


A common piece of life advice I see is "work in trades" instead of going to college, and while I think there is certainly some value in exploring alternative paths rather than going into debt for a dime-a-dozen degree, I do wonder how the advice of working in trades proliferated. It is career advice that sounds good on paper, but is also not as cut-and-dry as the comments would have you believe.

I'm sure it started from hearing random folks who supposedly work in trades are making great money, but the concept of working in trades becoming pushed more and more by the redpill community seems a bit suspicious to me. When did the sentiment of working in trades start to become more common? Was there a particular person or organization who made it more popular?

I think it is important to understand the origins of "popular" sentiments in order to truly determine whether there is an ulterior motive. For example, the common idea of "there aren't enough people in STEM" isn't really true, it's just a claim made by industries to pressure Congress into allowing them to import more cheap labor.

Could there potentially be a larger interest pushing the idea of working in trades as being a lucrative career path? Perhaps it is far-fetched to assume that there are greater forces at play who have an interest in convincing people to work in trades, but trades play a crucial role in maintaining a functional society, and without these people, the current status quo would fall apart. Glorifying trades would upset the status quo of "intellectualism," but appealing to male pride and honor and appealing to the men who see the futility of modern society is a viable means of ensuring that men remain working for a system that thinks lesser of them.

I'm not saying that working in trades is bad or that going to college is better. Working in trades is very admirable, but it is also important to be mindful that there is no surefire pathway to wealth or a fulfilling life. Neither STEM or trades may be the gateway to success that is pushed on the internet, and it is important to consider the path you take based on the circumstances you have been given.


The most prominent spectrum these days is the gender spectrum, but the absolute absurdity of the idea of a gender spectrum pushed in medical fields should make us question the validity of a medical “spectrum,” particularly with Autism.

I genuinely think that Autism is rampantly over-diagnosed, and has created a paranoia within the population of whether they are “normal” based on very loose parameters.

If gender spectrum is seen as a joke, why do we still place the concept of the Autism spectrum on relatively a higher pedestal?


To be frank, I’ve never watched WWE or any of those wrestling shows, but the one thing I’ve noticed is that soyboy YouTubers love it, especially soyboy/tranny Brits. Now I’m starting to notice that Warhammer 40K (and I don’t even play Warhammer 40K) is becoming the next “niche pop culture” phenomena, where leftist/normie YouTubers and social media influencers are going to obsess about Warhammer 40K with child-like glee and then turn around and talk about how important trans rights are and how women should be space marines too. I understand that people can like things without agreeing with the in-universe politics, but soyboys have a way of turning what they like into weird faggot festivals.


DeSantis signed legislation mandating the use of E-verify systems for employers with 25 or more employers and now latino truckers (who are most likely illegal aliens who are illegally employed in the US) are protesting it and encouraging other truck drivers to protest as well. The amount of people threatened by this mandate should be a signal for how broken and corrupt our economy and country are, but rather it is being pushed as a leftist humanitarian crisis that can be summarized as, "those poor migrants won't be able to be exploited for the cheap labor they provide!"

When I used to live in California, there was a bakery whose employees were largely illegal aliens, and after those illegal aliens were deported, rather than paying better wages to attract new employees, the bakery just decided to close its doors for good. The US has become a country that depends so much on illegal aliens that businesses just can't afford (whether they genuinely can't afford to or they are so awful at managing money that exploiting cheap labor is the only means of keeping their business afloat) to hire actual American citizens.

If any actual attempts at curbing illegal immigration are made, the left makes the same argument every time, "how else will you keep prices cheap," or "who else is going to work these jobs?" If a labor shortage occurs because nobody is willing to work for the pathetic wages offered, then the left takes delight in how "dependent" companies are on exploiting the labor of illegal aliens and tries to argue that it is "good" that illegal aliens are here being exploited. All these people complaining about wanting higher minimum wages and then turning around and arguing that "if we hire actual Americans, then the prices of everything will increase!" What the fuck is this Machiavellian bullshit?

Years ago, I thought they were arguing these points because they thought that they were appealing to the right, but it's pretty clear that they genuinely think worker exploitation is a good thing.


I’ve noticed that whenever a piece of fictional media is touted to be “female-led” in terms of the creative team, oftentimes the characters are very much stand-ins for the creators/writers and reflect them in ways that don’t necessarily fit the setting (assuming the setting is not based on a location from the creator’s childhood, which tends to be the case). Even for non-female led projects, it is pretty easy to identify when a character is written by a woman vs a man (Outer Worlds has a character named Parvati that was basically a self-insert that the writer, Kate Dollarhyde proudly bragged about, for example), as they all speak and think from a modern day lens, regardless of whether it is appropriate for the setting or for what the character should be.

Contrast this with male writers who are able to write men and women from different perspectives in a way that attempts to match the setting, and I can’t help but wonder if the ability of perspective-taking is a masculine trait, which could also explain why modern entertainment runs into the issue of incompatible character identities within a setting or very unimaginative characters and settings in general. I expect this to become increasingly common as more and more women (and men embracing feminine traits) enter entertainment industries across all mediums.

Though perhaps this is an issue of increasing mental illness across the board instead. A YouTube video by David Stewart about how terrible of an idea writing a character as genderless is brought up a different perspective, that increasing mental illness (autism in particular) could be a cause for the inability of people to identify with characters that don’t look like them (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-i_2kRnSsX0&pp=ygUNZGF2aWQgc3Rld2FydA%3D%3D)

I’m not sure whether there is a definitive explanation, maybe it is a combination of many different factors, but I think it isn’t unreasonable to theorize that women are less capable of perspective-taking compared to men in general.


These third person cinematic games have basically killed the games industry. They encouraged an incestuous relationship between Hollywood and video games, made everyone complete graphics-obsessed WHORES, and have allowed dumbass, libshit writers to dominate the direction of gaming. The worst part is that these cinematic games have such simplistic appeal that the casual crowd will buy these games in perpetuity.

I can’t be excited for GOW Ragnarok at all because I know the story will be full of leftist garbage and the gameplay will be just as shallow, rigid, and constrained as it was in GOW 2018, and it annoys me to no end that GOW 2018 is still revered as this masterpiece in such a fanatical manner… Even with so many flaws, criticizing the game is seen as a sin for some reason.


Whenever I see people hoping for a Fallout New Vegas 2, it’s depressing to realize that the Obsidian that made that game is effectively dead. The writing talent is long gone and have been replaced by women and trannies who are barely functional psychopaths. I know the diversity and inclusion rhetoric plays a huge hand in how people are selected, but why do these studios have a knack for hiring the most degenerate, low effort people imaginable to work on a part of the game that basically molds the structure and tone of the entire game? It’s just so bizarre how all of these writers that are being hired are all basically identical in terms of them being leftist, social media obsessed, and barely functional people who are most likely a nightmare to work with.

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