
Fantastic idea by the UK government, they're trying to cut down in legal migration.. yknow the actual people who will pay taxes instead of leeching off the system.

there had been "abuse" of health and care visas for years.

If they're not a British citizen, charge them for it. I don't see how that is difficult.

Immigration is shaping up to be a key issue ahead of the next general election

We all know what immigration is bad, but I guess they'll just skirt that topic and just go after the people who actually put something into the pot, even if it isn't a significant amount...


So as you're all probably aware the UK is pretty strict on its gun laws, imitation firearms have laws which mostly fall down to common sense. If your gun looks real, don't go waving it around in public or you might have issues with the fuzz.

So it piqued my interest the other day when I saw this article pop up https://archive.ph/stsIo a kid got rammed off his bike for having a water pistol? How shocking! Even the article banner shows you a bright pink pistol, how could the police be so incompetent?

Now cut forward a whole 6 minutes.. it's because the kids black obviously! https://archive.ph/yzis7 And it's totally not because his water pistol looks more like a glock than an actual water gun... It's white and blue!


Saw this article earlier about long COVID and people trying to bring awareness to it. I thought it died out years ago as COVID fell off the air.

Who reckons it's just laziness combined with psychosomatics?



Was browsing the interwebs and saw this article, the "most powerful" enemy the doctor has faced will be this monstrosity.

I thought they would've learnt from the Trainwreck that the first female doctor caused. But I guess they're just trying to shit on a classic now.



Found this article pretty funny, this journalism must be pretty dense or selectively ignorant on YouTube's rabbit hole algorithm.

They play shocked when after an hour of going through random videos they get one about Andrew Tate.

Also I'm pretty sure you select what videos to watch on YT shorts, so the fact that they're getting more and more as the experiment continues- it just shows that they had a bias of selecting the ones they wanted to prove a point with.

And I also find it pretty funny that it isn't just Andrew Tate and his brother who are banned, it's him entirely even if it's a proxy person uploading clips which have him in it. Absolutely mental


Yet, I wonder why they'll never do this with a 13 year old girl. Maybe girls transing themselves from YT propaganda isn't good news yet?


It is actually pretty fun, I have a few niggles with it but overall it's actually a pretty fun game. It's like a weird crossbreed between bioshock and prey, the English translations are interesting and there's a lot of pro-communist content but it's worth a play.

Combat wise, it's fun. You have a bunch of melee weapons, guns and bioshock-esque abilities like Shok and telekinesis. I found myself playing for a few hours and was getting a bit put off by the tutorial "bunker" it goes on for a bit too long imo. But once you're out of that the game opens up and throws you in the deep end. By the deep end, you'll get to a boss fight in an arena a bunch of hours in- before that you'd be fighting just a couple of low-tiers and maybe one or two mid-tier bad guys in a go. After the arena fight, expect to be fighting massive groups, the combat refreshingly amps up and gets difficult at times- it's great, it keeps you on your toes and makes you think twice about running into a room guns blazing.

Gameplay & performance, it looks stunning. On my 3080 at 4k60 easily the prettiest game I've played for a long while. I haven't experienced and performance issues or game breaking bugs, or even crashes when I come to think of it. There's all sorts you can do in it also, you can upgrade your glove, your suit, your weapons to tailor your playthrough. It also has parkour and some driving elements.

Story, I don't think I'm in far enough to judge the entire story, so far it's pretty solid and has much better ideas and thoughts put into it than a bunch of other RPG/story related games I've played over the last few years.

Translations and Voice acting, so I tried playing it in russian with subs but the combat is fast paced and you miss a bunch. So I went back to English dub, the VA's aren't bad. The main character just sounds like a dick to start with but now he's actually growing on me, he kinda breaks the fourth wall with comments like "oh let me guess, the shit I need is spread all over the place"

Music and audio, the music is great. Theres some points where some badass music just starts belting out whilst you try to beat a boss or waves and waves of enemies. It's not quite doom tier but it's not far off. As for the SFX and weapons, they all sound pretty good- no complaints here.

As for my complaints, this game has puzzles... Lots and lots of puzzles. Not just the usual fallout lockpick or computer hacking puzzles, but literally dozens of different types- from matching sequences, playing around with moving walls and platforms by hitting switches and magnets, to hacking locks off doors even more sequence puzzles. Oh, they even built snake into it. Now normally I don't mind about the odd puzzle, but I just finished a bit where I need to rebuilt a robot which is missing 4 or so limbs. Each limb has a different puzzle. Because of this, it really messes with the pacing of the story and the combat.

Second complaint is audio queues, whenever the main character is talking to his glove AI about something important like the MC's past. You need to stop and listen, I've had it too many times where I think I've skipped some crucial backstory because some other audio cuts it off.

Even though I'm about 10or so hours in other than a couple of things I don't feel like I've accomplished anything story wise, but I have a sneaking feeling that'll change soon.

Tldr; Overall, I'd give it a play. Ignoring any politics and bullshit people are trying to project onto it because it's Russian made. It's actually an exceptional game. It's a breath of fresh air in this imagination barren, saturated market of sequels and copy and pasted games.

It's on steam and gamepass. I've been playing it via gamepass with no issues.