Mashiki 8 points ago +8 / -0

You don't actually need to. You only have to prove on the surface, if you didn't have problems before - and you do after. They have liability.

Mashiki 3 points ago +3 / -0

If you've got the keys to the time machine, I suggest getting out in 1985 and enjoying a nominally peaceful 20 years.

Mashiki 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'll try to answer that then.

As you pointed out, there's a lot of doctors that have gotten on the transgenerism train. It's pushed heavily in a whole bunch of med schools as well. They'll state(in the worst cases) that a child or teenager is perfectly fine to 'transition' even in cases before puberty has started. In the absolute worst cases, like in the UK and it's starting here in Canada. Some of these doctors, only do a surface pass, and then start prescribing puberty blockers after a 15 minute visit.

There's been a rash of doctors, especially those that have graduated in the last 10 years have this idea that "pain" is now psychosomatic or overblown. They absolutely won't prescribe pain meds to patients, they also try and force long-term pain patients to get off the medications which cause a massive decrease in their ability to live. That living with serious crippling pain is perfectly fine, hey just because it feels like your hands and legs are being stung by fire ants doesn't mean you're in pain!

In my case, I'm one of those 'long-term pain patients' who's been affected and effected by the overhyped opioid epidemic bullshit. I broke my spine in multiple places 10 years ago, avoided instant death when my C2, C3, C4 were broken. I've got an implanted baclofen pump to stop uncontrollable muscle spasticity, but that doesn't deal with the pain, because the shards of my broken spine press on multiple nerves. Since "pain is psychosomatic" again, you get to fight an uphill battle, never mind that today it might only be numbness. Tomorrow? Who knows.

This falls into your "reject humanity" part, where a doctor will happily sign some kid up for blockers, hormones, etc., but reject a suffering patient and then tell said patient that they only want the medication "so they can sell it on the street." I know people who are in pain clinics(the few that are still operating), where this is happened. One of the very worst cases, I ran across was a truck driver who'd been in a near fatal, ribs crushed, multiple lung punctures, one kidney lost, half of the short intestine, lost both legs and half of their right hip. They didn't even want to put him on pain medications, it was the surgeon who put him back together who overrode the floor doctors.

Mashiki 3 points ago +5 / -2

Unless you're in pain because your spine has been broken in three places, and is pressing on the nerves causing severe nerve pain. In that case, you're a dirty drug abuser and need immediate treatment for opioids.

Mashiki 3 points ago +3 / -0

If you pay property tax, you can be directly involved. Property taxes go for funding education, and in the US and Canada you have the legal right to be involved. Some states allow you to opt out of that though if you don't have kids.

Mashiki 13 points ago +14 / -1

All submissions are locked, but the sub remains opens with a redirect to omegacanada.win you can check /r/metacanada if you want to check it out.

Mashiki 7 points ago +8 / -1

You could always take the path to it like MetaCanada did. Of course that's leading the OGFT retards to already try and claim the sub.