LordOfTheReeeeengs 25 points ago +25 / -0

I commend you for fighting the good fight. It's hard for "us white folk" to say anything that would resonate with the woke crowd. I've lost all my black friends from high school as they all think I'm apart of the KKK now after I called a friend out who was calling white people racist and holding down the black people. My message to him was basically: "You and I went to the same high school, you grew up in the better part of town (richer), and you went onto a great university for FREE due to the levels of melanin in your skin. You went on to get 2 masters degrees. You now live in the basement of your parents home, selling drugs, doing drugs, and fucking married chicks (side note: he fucked and "stole" a friends wife, and now they smoke meth in front of my friends kids and laugh about it). But you think the system is racist and holds you down and say I have privilege...my success is due to the color of my skin. I didn't realize that my success wasn't because I worked throughout my undergrad years, unlike you, so I could pay for undergrad upfront since white males don't qualify for 95% of the grants and scholarships (went to a lower end uni...at the time was about $3k/semester - about 15 years ago). I also started an online business while in undergrad and working the job that paid for my school. I then went on to grad school, taking out loans, and then paying them all back after about 4 years out of grad school. I got my doctorate and built a practice, my online business doing well (tell me, can you tell someone's skin color of the owner of a website when you go to it?), bought a home, and have 2 kids now. All my successes are due to my color and not my work ethic and sleepless nights. K."

Got blocked by him and removed by almost all the black people I went to high school with after that post on fb. I hate the victim card. Growing up, my family was poor. Not due to lack of work ethic, no! Dad worked 80 hour weeks to pay the medical bills bc my youngest brother was diagnosed with leukemia 2-3 months old (he's still with us and doing great btw!). It wasn't until I got to undergrad that my family started doing well. Dad started his own business while still working those long hours with the company he was with until it got to the point where he couldn't do both and had to quit his job. The stress that man went through at that time...I can remember like yesterday. He had saved enough where if the businesses didn't make any money, he knew he would have to go back to work after 2 years. Thankfully, his hard work ethic paid off and he ended up doing really well years after I moved out of the house and continues to do well. So I've seen, first hand, what it takes to build the life you want for you and your family. It isn't playing the victim card. Never will be.