Greymanmarc 8 points ago +8 / -0

I have a bumper sticker "Giant meteor 2020"

need to update it.

Greymanmarc 11 points ago +11 / -0

And their doing a damned fine job at it. There will be the maskless overlords and the faceless servant class.

Greymanmarc 10 points ago +10 / -0

I thought the same thing at first, however i listened to a podcast which changed my mind - if my home interest rate is at 3.2 APR and the REAL inflation rate is at 10% i would be saving 6.8%.

Look up the richest man in Germany - Hugo Stinnes. He took out MASSIVE debts on hard assets before hyperinflation set in. Paid back said debts in FULL after their \value went to crap.

I think healthy FIXED APR productive debt on assets is a great idea. Agree with everything else mentioned, skills, and hard assets. Anything is better than the dollar