I've noticed a lot of people defending critical race theory of late, "it just talks about the impact of racism in America".
James Lindsay does a good analysis of the critical race theory that is better then labeling it as marxist propaganda since leftist worship Marx.
Some Antifa peaceful protesters impaled the red truck with a large tree branch.
Naturally I thought of Serenity and that would make Antifa the reapers.
Hey guys, r/kotakuinaction and r/Conservative have just gone private. What is going on?
Since he came in to office:
- started bombing middle east again.
- played identity politics.
- approves of transitioning children.
- border crisis.
- closed the Keystone XL pipeline - which is bad for everyone including the environment.
- talks about increasing taxes.
And he still has a 54% approval rate.
The media is prepping the undocumented tour of the capitol as some big threat to democracy.
I've heard individuals calling the protestors terrorists, terrorists are people you show no pity and execute without a trail.
They did something similar with Trump supporters=nazis to justify violence, silencing and discriminating basically anyone right of center.
How do you guys see this play out and what do center left average people think of all of this?
I'm happy she is going to do it but what are the odds they can make a good movie?
If it fails it may kill any other attempt for counter culture in the movie industry.