[THE BEE] New Game 'Call Of Duty: Rittenhouse'
Beholder game is free on steam
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Danchenko claimed to have interviewed six individuals with knowledge of alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. However, during a 2017 FBI interview, Danchenko contradicted many of the dossier’s key assertions. As a result, the FBI concluded that “the reliability of the dossier was completely destroyed,”
My thoughts on the matter:
In 2017 the FBI already knew it had no credibility but the media was pushing this narrative based on the dossier anyway, that made a feedback loop between the FBI and the media and lead to the first impeachment.
It is a major thing, an actual fake news that was used to try to take down the president in the most direct way possible. This is a lot more then some funny memes.
This should be hammered by the Republicans all the way, request that media companies be held accountable and definitely have a restructuring of the FBI in order to cram down on the political partisan nature of the current FBI.
I'm also looking at r/Conservative and there are little no no discussions on the matter, why is that?
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"Microsoft goes full woke and then some" clips
What do you guys think of the he-man part 2 trailer?
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