Everyone must reject the white supremacist worldview of reliability and loyalty, preferring recklessness and seditious duplicity. That's what they're telling us should be the case, anyhow. Because black and brown people don't like reliability and loyalty like evil white people do.
Sorry, I should've realized that wasn't going to work. Here you go:
Based on the header from KIA2 we get a palette like this. Here is the CSS for those colors.
I think the Progressives realized it was a really bad idea to get interviewed by Tucker, and that stopped.
A pair of comic industry vets bring up names and scenarios familiar to GGers during a discussion of their own revelations about the existence of the "Whisper" network that lurks inside their territory (and clearly far beyond as we know).
Is that what the OP is using?
Apparently the pregnant woman and her husband were arrested for felony assault?
Racist insurance scammers, apparently.
If I'm not mistaken, all of the half dozen or so people killed there (that we know about so far) were black. All of them.
During its popular infancy, we were certain it would be governments that would kill the Internet. Remember Barlow's A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace? That's the sort of lofty hubris we embraced for it.
But it's not really normies and corporations killing it now, much as it might seem. And Barlow wasn't so far off in his threat estimation either. After all, it's authoritarian statists who are behind the Internet's twisting, and they're doing it for a literal ploy at world domination. What a bunch of catiffs!
Barlow's declaration, looking back at it now, reads as grossly naive. At least it looks that way across the smoldering cultural war zone that the Internet, hell the whole world, has become. We knew something terrible was probably coming, even back then, but having the US President fighting for the good guys is not part of what most imagined, I'm pretty sure.
How would you characterize it?
I'd love to dive into PoE but as you say, I'm one of those people -- no Tencent if I can help it.
Surely I'm not alone but my copy of Gloomhaven arrives this month and I'm looking forward into digging in.
Please tell me someone told her this.