In a community (related to politics or not), that is extremely left-wing, try inserting your own opinions on them and say "to be controversial", or "for balance". That way, we can call them out for the hyper-partisans that they are.


Supporting higher taxation, more social services and more regulation means you think every character needs to be race/gender/orientation swapped and that minorities are oppressed? Supporting lower taxation, privatization and deregulation means you think Hollywood should respect the source material, and that minorities are on equal terms?

This never made sense to me, why aren't there anti-wokes with left-wing politics? Why aren't there wokes with right-wing politics?


I've surprisingly seen a lot of New Blue signs on people's yards, I actually think they might win a few seats, especially due to the backlash of the PC's.

Sums it up (
posted ago by DarthXenon66 ago by DarthXenon66

Just to name a few:

  • The David Pakman Show
  • Secular Talk
  • The Majority Report
  • The Humanist Report
  • The Damage Report
  • Ring of Fire
  • VaushV

Ask them if they would want actors who are Trump supporters, libertarians, or anybody with different political views.

Cons BTFO!!! (
posted ago by DarthXenon66 ago by DarthXenon66

I notice that most people don't seem to give a crap about the virus anymore. Restaurants and stores are filled to the brim when the restrictions are removed, parks have dozens of people playing, and you rarely hear people on social media say #stayhome or #wearamask aside from political pundits. Sure, sometimes I see people walking outside with masks (lmao), but they're the minority. Despite this, what you hear from the news and the Ontario government, it still feels like it's still March 2020.


I don't want to say the name (don't want to reveal where I live exactly), but my local radio station is constantly talking about the pandemic and "social distancing" jokes like it's still March 2020. They retweet panic porn on their Twitter page, and even retweeted a post calling out the freedom rally in our area for "homophobia" and "racism" despite lgbt rights and race not even being mentioned in the rally. They also a made a tweet mourning the loss of a kid who supposedly died of covid, ignoring the fact that only 8 kids have died of/with covid in Canada, (they never gave a fuck about the countless kids who die in this country in general).


It seems like everyone here in Canada is oblivious to Trudeau’s scandals and corruption, that’s probably why he was re elected. People here in Canada keep making fun of America because they have a laughing stock of a leader, yet don’t know the crap Trudeau did. For crying out loud he wore blackface, imagine if Trump did that, he would’ve been condemned (rightfully so). Canadians paid more attention to the US election than ours in 2019. The average Canadian could probably name several US senators but can’t even name the leader of the Conservatives...

  • Lockdown
  • Voter Fraud
  • Racial Equality
  • Police Funding
  • Internet/Social Media censorship

These are all non-partisan issues, yet this is portrayed as Left V.S. Right.

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