ChumbaWumbler 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks. I enjoy writing. It fulfills me. Even if I never make a dime, I will write until the day I die.

ChumbaWumbler 5 points ago +5 / -0

It's a systemic problem.

I enjoy writing short stories and have had a few published in smaller e-zines, but if you're a straight white male there is a massive barrier to higher publication.

The leftist indoctrination is so ingrained in the "creative" communities that skilled writers are shunted aside for diverse drivel.

Hell, just to prove my point, I entered a story to several magazines under two names, my own and a black female I invented for the experiment. The work under my name was often rejected automatically, but I received several offers for publication as the black persona within a day. This truly opened my eyes, and I have been committed to self-publishing since.

ChumbaWumbler 3 points ago +3 / -0

Do you have any EU book suggestions?

I've heard there's a lot of good and bad in the extended universe and have no clue where to start.