Why does the bible forgive certain sins and not others? today i saw a post. and i think you've all seen it before. about forgiveness, honesty, and what haves you. mainly, about how god if he even exists. forgives certain sins. so my problem with this one is... why? like... child raping. alot of based users put it bluntly, that just because god forgives you doesn't mean that there isn't any earthly consequences for your actions in the meantime. and i agree with this. however... why are certain sins forgiven? but others not? it seems rather inconsistent for this to be. imagine if theirs 2 people. both committed sins. and both of them ended up in heaven. but theirs's more.



1 stole. and the other raped his mom to death. according to the bible, both have sinned. but aslong as both repent, they both end up in heaven, looking at you u/swamprangers. now, why would god, take 2 different sins. and equate them both, to be equally bad? seems kinda weird, how the matricide rapist, has an equal chance of getting into heaven. compared to the thieve. it seems kinda weird, that a system like that would be in place. but if your jewish, (according to 98% of the users here, sit wide. and 70% of the users in KIA2 ) atheist, gay, or adulters, there is no repentance, and you go to hell.



Now don't worry. this is indeed an indictment on the bible. but then again, that's the problem with almost any holybook ingeneral, it's pretty much bullshit that softens people to real world crimes. because the idea is... the bad guys will get theirs in the end... somehow?

Bla bla bla jews did it. bla bla jews are all rapist. bla bla bla white people are oppressed by jews. i would add more to this but... nah.

In this video https://youtu.be/TSN4GJ0cjNY you have someone famous within the religious community, talking about child murder. i swear this post has a point. the speaker glosses over why debating on why god kills children is a bad thing. because if god commands it, it must be ok. and since many people here are evangelical christians/defender of the bible. if you saw a sign or even met a "prophet" from god. telling you to do something like, kill children... would you do it? also.



While this post may seem to target christians. this is more so a general problem with religion ingeneral. because the talmud, the qurran, and other religious holy books, kinda spout the same thing. and i know some of you will bring up judiasm, but i got ya covered. i am fully aware within the talmud, it says anyone who isn't jewish is like... a fucking animal or something. however...


If i look up the new, and old testements. i can find verses in either one. saying people of different religions, and people who are not religious, are animals, and will not go to heaven. and you'll see similar shit in other religions as well. condemning people of different religions. or not being religious at all.



So if your gonna come at me with me soft caping the jews or whatever. first critique your own damn holy book. and if you can't. shut the fuck up about the jews and the muslims, or the other religions. because, guess what! you're not any better, or any worse, than the other religions.

I made a post about this a long time ago... in 2017 on the old yahoo answer messaging board. despite whatever answer you thought i gave the covenant great answer award thingy to will shock you! but that's neither here nor there. what i will like to go over is white privilege.



Don't worry. i won't be using the lefts definition of white privilege. where every white person has an innate advantage over a non-white person. but instead i will use the general idea of a white person receiving an advantage for being white. what i want to know is what many of you guys think about it.


Now i know the usual suspects. i can see the troll comments rolling in, calling me a nigger. or 80% of the comments saying white privilege doesn't exist. and the other 20% saying it does exist but white people deserve it in their own country. but me raising this question is for 2 reasons. ya know, just to keep it simple. if you think white privilege doesn't exist. tell me why you don't think so, while also believing non-whites have an inherent advantage over whites. 2nd if you do believe in white privilege, and think it's ok for white people to have an advantage over non-whites. then how do you support meritocracy, if people who match your race will gain an unearned advantage?



But for me. i can equally acknowledge that if a white person does receive privilege by race. that, that doesn't mean, that they are immune from racism from self hating white people. and other racial minorities. sadly, many people both within, and even outside of this site. cannot hold this duality. and it's either 1 or the other, for many people to believe in.

Listen fellas. i don't like donald trump, nor pedo joe. but ya gotta admit. ya boi selling bibles for 60$ a pop. to pay for the OUT! standing lawsuits he has on his hands is just plain pathetic. like i know you guys wanna fuck donald trump and all. but you gotta admit his finical status is fucking trash! my boi. and no offense... you gotta be straight retarded! if you vote for this guy, who's asking you! for money. hell, even barack obama! never stooped this low, and i don't even like him! but you guys are sucking a man's cock and balls clean! who can't even afford to keep his shitty hotels anymore. it's just strange how you guys will dick on biden supporters. yet unironically harald donald trump as the 2nd coming of jesus.

A few days ago a user posted about this article here https://archive.is/QPEDW about masturbation. upon reading it... alot of the user didn't read the article. basically. not masturbating does fuck all for you. not to mention how many of you lot! and NoFap has a funny way of what is, and isn't considered an addiction. basically, this article posed many a great questions, criticizing the NoFap group and their claims of.


Not masturbating can cure ED (erectile dysfunction) depression, brain frog, autism and even loneliness!


Of course, the ED part doesn't make sense. because if ya dick can't get an erection anymore... ho-how does not master bating help with that? if your dick can't get hard enough to! masturbate? and the depression thing also seems like an interesting one... i bet all those men and women would love to know before their suicide all they needed to do was not masturbate anymore. i just hope these NoFap fellows are doctors in the field. right? RIGHT?



At any case. not masturbating... well. will ironically do the exact opposite for you. namely how you'll just have a higher % of cuming first thing in the morning. and unless you have a really good outlet to plug your sexual energy into besides pussy. you're actually gonna be hornier than a teen on prom night, compared to someone who does! masterbate. not to mention the anti semitism, and weird religious hooks those groups do. i've seen it here first hand. but then again all you assholes blame everything on the jews anyways, so why not blame them for porn aswell i suppose.



Yeah anways. that article was a good read. to bad many of people here are illiterate, and couldn't read it. well, i'll be off now, i just have 1 more post to make. and then i'll be off for the next month or so... maybe less.

In 2016 or 2017, I distinctly recall the extreme behavior of the political left, justifying the physical assault of individuals deemed as Nazis. I could embark on a nuanced discourse regarding the definition of a Nazi and how the left's rhetoric could potentially label anyone as such, justifying violent actions. However, I will refrain from doing so. While I harbor a deep aversion towards Nazis, I firmly believe that violence should only be condoned when individuals actually engage in harmful actions deserving of such retribution. Just as it is unjustifiable to physically harm individuals based on their dislike for certain races, it is unacceptable to resort to violence simply due to personal animosity. The left's extremist tendencies have the potential to incite unnecessary violence and even result in tragic consequences. I am shocked and dismayed that such ideologies were permitted to thrive.

Alot of users here claim that the users here are smart. (excluding me) real circular logic there. and that this place is filled with the brightest and smartest. however. many users here, when presented with opposing evidence, world views, ect, act like complete chimps. and even the people who, quite frankly should be more aligned with me. are aligned with them, namely a few center leaning folks, don't see a problem with them. now. what's the issue here?



The issue here is this. the users here claim equality doesn't work, because it's anti white, anti male, anti family whatever. and any view that is center or to the left, is inherently flawed, and unless the right censors things. things will naturally devolve into left leaning censorship/dictatorship... ignoring all the capitalist dictators but whatever i'm fucking dumb i guess. because remember, equality is a left leaning concept, and any notion of that is simply impossible... unless the right does the censoring, and in position of power. but oh, oh no, the left are the real bad guys here. and everyone here is their own self-proclaimed hero, fighting for the little guy.... unless that same little guy is gay, a woman, or non-white, or jewish. then fuck em.



I'm trying to figure out what's your end game here, and yes i am bringing this up again. you guys are just as bad as the left. shitting on normies, and center leaning people. claiming your way is the only way and anything else needs to be shut down or censored. and not to mention both sides odd obsession with fucking race. i just feel like you guys would be better off in a gazebo jerking eachother off, then being online acting like intellectuals, trying to answer the big questions in life. of which you know very little about.

I wanna be a game dev and learn how to code. but no one here does. because their not coders or don't like me or are racist, and their aren't many people here. i mean look at this place https://www.reddit.com/r/love2d/: now how can i learn how to code using that software here? barely anyone here as is. and who would even take the time to teach me? overall. this place needs to get more users here. ones who preferably not asshole. so this place can blow up in popularity.

God is GRACIOUS! (www.youtube.com)
posted ago by Bluestorm ago by Bluestorm
I like this band (www.youtube.com)
posted ago by Bluestorm ago by Bluestorm
Armored core again (cdn.videy.co)
posted ago by Bluestorm ago by Bluestorm

I remember back in my hay days in the anti sjw circle i found an article detailing white genocide. now back then i was down to help white people. because i was fully aware of the double standards they have faced. both legally and socially. but after reviewing it... i now saw white genocide as nothing more then a myth.

The first problem i had was immigration. now that on it's own isn't such a bad theory on paper. but after hearing from other people... immigration actually effects more non white people... for a whole host of reasons... namely jobs. so immigration en mass is a problem... but it more so effects everyone. not just white people.


2nd one which is the one that made me write off white genocide as a concept. was race mixing. and genetically speaking their is no such thing as a "pure race" anyways. so "white" "black" etc. technically speaking. aren't just races anymore. a simple dna test shows us most if not almost everyone has mixed blood within them. not to mention a white kid born from a mix race couple. can look white in every way, but... could have a 50/50 chance of producing a black looking baby. in short-

The concept of "race mixing" being the down fall of white people... becomes a bit of stretch, and sounds like a personal issue. being imprinted on an entire group of people. even though race mixing also effects other races to! so another example of "white genocide" also applying to non white people.


And last but not least. history

Now this is one i agree with. history being altered to make white people... well to make white people look bad. and as we all know, history never has any bad white people oh no sir we bob! all the bad people throughout history have only been non white people. and the good guys have been only ever white don't ya know.


But in all seriousness yeah tearing down of statues, vilifying... certain, white people of the past. and even this recent woke stuff in hollywood with these historical "re imagining" is true. these race swaps of classically white straight male characters in the media certainly are a thing i agree with you guys on. no seriously i do i find them to be distasteful and stupid. however...


White replacement in the media. isn't the same as white replacement in the real world. one is true. and other is simply not. now i am willing to hear how white people are being quote on quote "replaced" but here's a few things that are off the table from the getgo. well 1 thing.


Race. Mixing.


If anyone uses that as a defense to support "white genocide" or "white replacement" i'll just chuck that in the unimportant bin and move on. but everything else from migrants and other factors i'm willing to listen to.

Armored Core 6! (cdn.videy.co)
posted ago by Bluestorm ago by Bluestorm

So. alot of people here don't know where i stand at politically. this post won't be the first or the last. so let's do a quick round up!

Ever since i was a kid. i never really fell in line with either the hard ass conservatives. nor, the soft ass pussy hippie liberals. both sides seemed stupid to me. and when i was 15 for a short while believed i was conservative. but after seeing the rights view on things like religion and homosexuality. i realized i wasn't conservative.


And shocker i know. but i wasn't really down with the left either, despite the left having progressive ideals. those ideas seemed alittle bigoted. one main example is trans people. if you don't agree with them that trans people were either real men/women. you were a bigot. ok. i strongly disagree with that. but what made that stance weird. was when it came to dating. now i'm attracted to MtF. because let's face it you gotta be atleast alittle bit gay to find trans women attractive. anyways-


The left would label you a transphobe. if you purposely excluded trans people from your dating pool. now as someone who is bi... i can see why many people. both progressives and bigots. don't wanna date trans people. and i get that. because it's not a right for trans people to be accepted. i'm black. and i can handle the fact if some white lady, or another racial minority. doesn't wanna date black people. i can take that on the chin.


But the left have a... entitled attitude. and believe your tastes. need to align with their tastes... or else.


Now to actually get into my politics. i believe in free speech. i hate racism. sexism. homophobia. and heterophobia. religious persecution, non-religious persecution. double standards. and hypocrisy. now. since most people online tend to be idiots. i will go over my stance on free speech. racism. and sexism.


So my stance on free speech is. i'll allow it. allow it all. i'm not a huge fan of censorship. and i don't believe someone should get banned. for having the quote on quote wrong opinions. i believe everyone should be able to express themselves. without fear of censorship. or, without fear of having their account banned.

Next up is racism. alot of users here don't know or don't care what racism is... so allow me to tell you what i think about it. i don't believe anyone by race should be mistreated by their skin color. another reason why i didn't consider myself a leftist... is because most if not the majority of left leaning people hate white people. and that goes against my anti racist policy i have hard wired in my brain. of course. i don't like racism ingeneral. rather you are brown, white, dark, red, yellow. whatever. it just seems so damn exhausting being racist. i just never understood it.


3rd. sexism. i believe both sexes go through it. and same as racism i don't like it.


And last but not least. religion. while i may not like religion. like in the concept of it. i don't hate people who are of the faith.


So yeah! that about wraps up this whole thing. now i hope you guys kinda block me so i don't have to wane my way through a mire of angry comments. and i'll also be making some anime/gaming posts! so yeah i hope you guys are having a merry christmas and i'll catch ya'll next year. or on the 2nd. that's probably when i'll be responding to any comments

While i was watching the dub of JJK and CSM it dawned on me... are they connected? in JJk cursed spirits are born from the fear of humans towards a specific place, or thing. including closed down school buildings. cemeteries. and even natural disasters. like mount fuji, nature. and a few other cursed spirits born from the fear of humans.

While in CSM the same rules apply. the chainsaw devil. born of the fear of chainsaws. war devil. born of the fear of war. and so and so on.


So my question here is... are these 2 manga's/animes linked? or do they burrow some elements from one another? or is the same person who's working on one. also working on the other one? comment down below.

Where does morality come from? i know we as humans made it up. but who decided that this was bad? and this was good? who made this rule... that spanded across nations, and continents. to different religious groups, tribes, and civilization? how did it become so universal. that despite us here in america. we already know the do's and don't. of another country and culture not of our own. all without needing to be told that it is wrong.

Just an idea i had rattling around in my head.

So i just got Armored core 6 today and, and i was wondering what does everyone think about the game? do you think it's bad, good? the combat is alittle janky to me. and the guns kinda suck. the sword and shield are pretty cool, and the flying is pretty nice. but again if you have played the game let me know what you guys think about it.

Alright Alright Alright. so alot of people here think i'm only going after christianity, and while it may seem that way let me remind you all. on my old account blackwaterodysee. i made a post detailing how censorish the jews can be. and how they use victimization to try and censor people. the post detailed how atheists are actually critical of the jewish religion.


Infact! many atheist on youtube are quite critical of the jews and often times have debates with muslims. did you know that? of course you asshole didn't know that, because you write off atheist so easily. anyways-

In my post i simply stated the conversation surrounding the jews is next to impossible to have. thanks to nazi sympathizers, and actual nazi's. for fuck sake i remember a former friend of mine on discord who was a nazi korean canadian showing me a video of, well... interview between some racist white guy, and a jew.


The white guy basically opened up the conversation... blaming the jew for literally everything through out history. and basically asked him "why did you do all of this"


And since my former friend actually bought this shit. no telling how many nazi's and nazi's sympathizer actually believe this is proper discourse to have with a fucking jew!

Needless to say. in my post i detailed how atheist are better at critiquing the jews! and if you wanna critique the jews. maybe don't blame them for everything. and maybe, bring up relevant points. ya know, don't call an entire race/religion of people bad! atleast when i critique/mock christianity.


I critique your holy book. typically surrounding gay people. because i'm pretty sure the mistreatment of gay people are also in the quran, and the talmud.

And i when i mock your religion... i just mock your god for doing stupid shit.


Never once! did i make a post saying it's bad to be a christian. never did i once! say if you are a christian you are a dumbass. never did i once! say being christian makes you responsible for the horrendous shit! your religion did throughout history. infact, all i wanted most people to do... is simply acknowledge, that it happened in the first place. doesn't help, when some users look at the bad stuff that happened in the bible... and try and justify it... not a good look.

Not to mention. how many people here hate jews. but i never see one of you mother fuckers defend them. ya know? against people who want to do physical harm to jewish people.


Overall. i am critical of other religions. for instance, if the middle east has any anti gay laws or laws based around their religion that oppresses people in the middle east. i'll call that out. but i don't live there. i don't keep up with news in foreign places. and their's very little, to no muslims here. if their were i'd be just up their ass, as i am yours.

But the irony here is... you won't listen. even if i were to make a post about some rabbi molesting a little girl. and made post like that for a week straight. and then! post something about a priest molesting a little boy. you'll all go back to calling me an atheist, dog raping, pedophile, scum bag.


So even if i were to make post critiquing the quran, talmud, or any other religious book! if i dear! touch one little hair on the bible's chin. i hate all christians... according to you guys. but hating jews and muslims... totally fine. gotcha.

Side note*

i love how their's someone impersonating me called u/Bluestorrn pretty cleaver using 2 R's and an N to make it look like an RM. rrn very creative... you, FUCKING BASTARD!

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