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First one of the new trilogy was good. Second one was decent, but only because of the very high number of kills, as not much else worthwhile was going on.
The latest and hopefully last one completely missed the mark for me.
All of it is caused by one major problem, but revealing it would spoil everything. Considering how the previous one ended it does not make any sense either.
Don't waste your time on this shit.
They just got a port and are out on Steam. Judgment looks good, but I wanted to ask anyway. Kind of has a Yakuza vibe to it, I only played 0 in that franchise so far, and quite liked it.
Liked the first two quite a lot, but the third one didn't have a good reputation, so I have skipped it. With a fourth one reportedly in development it might be a good time to check the third one out.
Does it run well? It had a bad rep for having technical issues, but it got a bunch of patches and a remaster later. Story, characters, gameplay? Anything woke?
I expected it to be a slasher with a bunch of nice kills and a lot of faggotry, with some bashing of everyone / everything you would expect to be bashed.
Well, you get all of that, in spades, except for the nice kills. There is hardly any, and most of them are off screen. So this movie doesn't even have that going for it.
In the end it was boring above all else. Didn't really have anything to even make fun of.
You are welcome.
It is a South Korean actioner that reminded me of Hardcore Henry (though not first person, but the same kind of crazy). Bit too much for me, but I appreciate the effort that went into it.
I am not an American, so don't have a clear picture of how the situation is over there (does sound bad), or how likely it actually is for something like a Civil War to break out, but I am hearing about it a lot from all sorts of people.
On the other hand, nothing of the sort seems to be happening, even though the US is supposedly being destroyed, stolen elections, inflation, tensions everywhere, left and right seemingly incapable of coexisting anymore, immigrant invasion, LGBT shit everywhere, people's kids groomed everywhere, and so on.
If all this is not enough, then what will it take? How would it happen? Who would fight with whom?
Based on the fact that nothing has happened so far with all of the above, and more, it sounds like nothing will ever happen.
Never played or cared for LoL, so I don't know if a fan would have an issue with anything, but this was a damn good show, and had a really great villain.
Didn't catch any woke shit either.
Didn't look like it will be, and Drinker thought it was pretty good, so I have decided to sail for it. He noted that there were some woke shit in it, but not much, but there were several he did not mention.
The IRL male protag describes his earlier life as "failed dreams, desperation, and a mountain of college debt", which is declared by his non-white coworker as "horrible and boring and full of white privilege".
A female eyecandy NPC upon gaining some level of independence / sentience "wrote a memoir that's a searing indictment of gender roles, the patriarchy. It's a little preachy in parts but, over all, it's pretty good."
The main female protag: "The first time I kiss a non-toxic guy in, like, forever [...]" There is of course a lame basement-dwelling loser gamer featured, who also has a "special sock" he doesn't want his mom to touch.
When the game world is compared to the IRL one: "See a lot of gun violence in your world? - Actually, that's a big problem, Guy. It's a massive problem." --- you could give this one a pass as there definitely are problems with gun violence, but adding it up with the pacifist story this does come off as anti-gun.
There are other comments in the movie I felt were OK, since this is a GTA-style mayhem game, so it is not a surprise that people's behaviour ingame would be perceived as awful. ("Sometimes I forget not everyone you meet on here is a sociopathic man-child." or Eyecandy NPC: "- I don't have to be with any guy. - Right? Exactly. Most of them are awful. - They really are. - Terrible.")
All in all there was definitely fun to be had, with some genuinely hilarious moments, as well as some surprisingly heartfelt parts. The positive characters were all quite likeable, and the actors were well cast for them.
The movie is mostly entertaining, especially for someone into gaming, who can at least tolerate Ryan Reynolds doing what he always does.
Wasn't as good as I had hoped, and definitely not as free of wokeness.
At least the stronk wahman doing everything important and men being bumbling idiots that contribute nothing stuff wasn't present. Well, technically, it was, as a high level female player is shown to be excellent at the game, and a level 1 male NPC is shown to be a bumbling idiot in comparison, but considering the setting that makes sense. Also, after leveling up considerably, the male NPC became a badass.
If you have zero tolerance for wokeness, skip this. Otherwise, it's a decent watch for sure.
(Unrelated, but I have turned off and deleted Candyman after 15 minutes or so, that one was way too woke.)
In case you needed another example of people completely openly doing this shit. It is around the middle of the article:
This is around 17 or so minutes into the movie, and made me question if I want to watch it. Am I being too sensitive or too much of a puritan? I don't want to be, so maybe I just need to relax a bit on this.