Bithead 4 points ago +4 / -0

Well, the subreddit is community run and isn't managed by GOG, so you can't really fault them for this, but considering the development of Cyberpunk 2077 I can't exactly say that CDPR/GOG has been that based lately.

Bithead 3 points ago +3 / -0

Tell me, do you think that Twitter/Tumblr users stay on their website and don't post on others? Because they don't. They start posting on other websites and they try to gain a foothold so they can spread their bullshit politics.

In fact, if you're so keen on continually ceding ground, I'd say you're just as guilty of that which you accuse me of.

Bithead 10 points ago +10 / -0

Tell me: if this community walls itself off from any outside interaction, then how is it supposed to affect any change on the world around it?

Or are you telling me that you lack any conviction to spread the good word other than preaching to the choir?

Bithead 8 points ago +8 / -0

Ok, so if I've got this right, we can post about SJW nonsense occurring on any site EXCEPT reddit?

On the same community where the mods are also active on reddit and calling out bullshit where they see it there?

Bithead 8 points ago +9 / -1

Ok, at this point I think you're just trolling me.

You're as rabid as a twitter user with your purity test bullshit.

Bithead 11 points ago +11 / -0

Bruh, I've literally been more active here in the last hour than I have been on reddit in the past month.

You've got some serious anger issues, and you're so comically aggressive to the point of looking like you're projecting your own insecurities.

Bithead 15 points ago +17 / -2

Ha ha, holy shit dude, you need to calm down before you pop a blood vessel.

Bithead 10 points ago +10 / -0

I'm going to be honest, you sound like a supremely miserable person.

I'm sure that whatever I do, it will never be enough for you and you'll always make up some reason to thumb your nose at me.

Fuck sake, I'm just here to report the facts.

Bithead 12 points ago +16 / -4

Wow, calling me a sheep and a slave. Using this kind of hyperbole against somebody you know nothing about sure does lead to a constructive conversation.

Get your head out of your ass.

There's nothing wrong with keeping up with the few good subs left and calling out bullshit when I see it. Besides, .win barely coveres a fraction of the things I'm interested in, and reddit is hardly the only site I keep up with. In fact, I barely post on reddit at all, but sure, keep calling me a mindless consoomer.

Bithead 14 points ago +14 / -0

You don't know what Chrono Trigger is? It's a classic SNES JRPG, nothing woke about it.

But the fact that he sought out such a niche discord says a lot about how invested in the LGBT 'lifestyle' he is.

Bithead 14 points ago +18 / -4

Do you have anything better to do than piss and moan?

Go take your pompous self-righteousness elsewhere.

Bithead 27 points ago +27 / -0

In an old comment he links a LGBT focused Chrono Trigger discord, so yeah, I'd say there's pretty good odds of it.

Bithead 8 points ago +9 / -1

I've been avoiding all the prior Default subs for quite some time now, but in my experience most of the smaller/hobby subs are still decent.

Unfortunately, the GOG subreddit has been on a downward spiral and this was the final nail in the coffin for me.