GOG subreddit silently adds new mod named BlackRiot; their politics are about what you would expect.
I'd post a few excerpts from their history, but it would seem they regularly delete all their old controversial comments.
I wonder what r/FortniteBR became. It's the only sub I miss.
I miss r/civ and r/StarWarsArmada, and my city and state subs, among others.
That's what's irritating is seeing these fairweather supporters who think they can continue to use reddit without being flaming hypocrites.
I stayed on Reddit until they banned me for calling feminists Nazis with evidence from their literature.
I would have left sooner, but I liked being able to talk about normie shit without getting ripped on for liking it. Plus, I had a chance to get through to people who otherwise would never listen.
Still, I can't say I miss Reddit as a whole. Even the anti-feminist subs were cucked.
Besides, I can always talk about these things with the IRL friends I play them with.
I left the day we turned this on. Because I believe in creating the replacement.
I understand that point of view, but talking to solely people who agree with us won't change many minds.