Stooping to their level requires you to understand just how deep into crazy political philosophy they are. Most people are incapable of stooping to their level no matter how much they try.
There are countless quotes by leaders of Antifa or the left that outright call for white genocide (typically by replacement migration, but also violent genocide). Literally the KKK will just say that black people should just be segregated away. When the KKK is more respectful of black people than Antifa, BLM and Zionists are of White people, how are white people ever going to stoop to their level.
If they ever do, it will make 4chan uncomfortable. Because it will be brutal organized mob justice. I am terrified of finding out what the White version of necklacing is.
Anyone that clearly would be so deep into the SJW matrix is incapable of being a linguist. Because they would automatically reject words like man and woman that commonly are root words for other concepts. They would not adapt to different social patterns like Asian hierarchy recognition or referring to objects as he or she. And the ability for them to break the language barrier is hindered by them seeing miscommunication as personal attacks. Actually there was a post in r/korea that illustrates that last point.
Who the hell has the time and money to make a statue of themselves? She sounds like one of those Bourgeoisie Intelligentsia that stands in the way of the worker and freedom from capitalism.