ArchonHades -7 points ago +1 / -8

I'm a bad actor posting maliciously, eh? You're the one who's buying into the leftist propaganda that not being racist means leaving yourself unguarded. Anti-White racism is heinous, obviously. I shouldn't have to say something so patently obvious, but if you need me to say it to assuage your mutt feelings, then I guess I'll say it. You can oppose anti-White racism without being racist yourself.

Yeah, I'm a handshake. It's fair to mistrust me. But if you're the kind of person to completely discard my arguments because I made this account today, then I really hope you're just a larping street-shitter. Because the less I have in common with you the better.

ArchonHades -10 points ago +1 / -11

Wow, what an amazing philosophical powerhouse you are. Wall-posting and free-helicopter-posting are ok memes when actually applied properly. But there comes a point where you overuse them to the point of being a fucking embarrassment. Are you even White or are you a mutt larper?

ArchonHades -9 points ago +2 / -11

If what it takes to win the war is becoming everything you hate about your enemy, then you've lost the war you absolute troglodyte. It's fully possible to take the stance that all racism is bad, don't believe the leftist schlock that opposition to anti-White racism is equivalent to or necessitates pro-White racism.

ArchonHades -9 points ago +3 / -12

You are genuinely retarded if you think that leftists were the ones who came up with the idea that racism was bad.

The reason why leftists said that racism by whites was bad and yet racism against whites is good is not related to the concept of racism being bad generally. The reason why leftists take this stance is because they want to erode the current power structures of society so that they can take over. It's not just about whites, it just seems like this because whites are the majority ethnicity in most of the world's most successful civilizations. Leftists can, will, and absolutely have done the same with other races in the civilizations where they're the majority, as can be seem with the attempted Leftists infiltrations into Japanese culture.

ArchonHades 2 points ago +3 / -1

Incidentally, the term "assault rifle" specifically is also a real thing. The coining of the bullshit term "assault weapon" (which really just means any big black scary polymer gun) annoys me to no end, because it's exceedingly clear what the "assault" in assault rifle (which assault weapon is clearly trying to riff off of) actually means if one bothers to look at the historical context. It's specifically intended to mean assault in a military sense, as in assaulting a position, assaulting a base, etc. An assault rifle is a rifle with features convenient for doing that, namely effectively being a fusion between a battle rifle and a sub-machine gun. It's a gun that's designed to be highly useful both at fairly long range, and at very close range.

ArchonHades -13 points ago +5 / -18

The 50's were far less idyllic than you'd expect. And the ethnic homogeneity alone is minimally relevant to its relative prosperity. I also don't think you are correct as to the motivations, however I do think you are broadly correct about the causes.

One of the principle reasons why everything seems to be more expensive nowadays is because over roughly the past century, the government has successfully been able to convince the general populace that they should be permitted to brazenly steal more and more from them (or otherwise browbeat the general populace into accepting this). Meanwhile the government does less and less actually useful stuff, instead focusing more and more of their resources on limiting freedoms (or in other words, amassing their own power).

Meanwhile socialist mental deficients will harp on endlessly about how it's all "capilatizuum"'s fault, and how we need more government theft to fix it all. The fact that modern western civilization tolerates and in some cases even respects these abject lobotomites instead of treating them with the same level of contempt and pity afforded to flat Earthers is something I will never understand. And that's to say nothing about the ones that actually know that what they're saying doesn't make sense, and are just in it to gain personal power for themselves. As a further random tangent, the fact that Nazism is somehow considered to be some massively different thing to socialism is one of the greatest political misconceptions of the modern age. And is consequentially one of the greatest failures in education in the modern age.

ArchonHades -12 points ago +2 / -14

Yeah, no that's a genuinely retarded position. Just because leftists are unabashed retards doesn't mean that you need to become a retard in response.