the abuser is using emotional blackmail through agitation, the abuser is basically always acting like they are a moment from going absolutely bonkers and making a scene. The victim is placed under extremely high stress because they are basically waiting for the abuser to decide to make their move and start: crying, screaming, yelling, throwing things, ect all so that the victim does what they are told due to the stress of wanting to not have an argument, or public humiliation.
Yeah, I know. I've been saying that for several years. Social Justice is a protection racket that is promoted through an industrial scale form of emotional and psychological abuse, targeted at 350 million Americans and it makes me physically sick to think about.
You know who does this? I do...
The entirety of the Left?
Yeah, I know. I've been saying that for several years. Social Justice is a protection racket that is promoted through an industrial scale form of emotional and psychological abuse, targeted at 350 million Americans and it makes me physically sick to think about.