Here's her 18 min video if you want to watch for yourself: FAR-LEFT PragerU? The Gravel Institute's Socialist Propaganda | Ep 235
Lauren's response: (
The populations of Germany & Finland are very different than that of the US. Its wrong to attribute the social mobility of those countries solely to their big government.
So what you're saying is Americans can't have healthcare because of brown people.
Very cool shoe
Also, I find the conflation of mass migration with "oh lol brown people" disgusting and a huge strawman, but to the point, immigration does affect the feasability and solvency of tax payer funded healthcare systems. (
I never said any of this. The video is not about healthcare.
Americans have healthcare. If healthcare isn't state-funded, it doesn't count as healthcare now?
Canada's healthcare is strained to the point where my dad needed to go to the US for his cancer tests.
It's especially strange because white cultures and nations are literally built on slavery & white supremacy. So weird non-whites would willingly move to such a place...
It's almost like...
Non-whites are in favor of slavery and racial caste systems...
Couldn't be.
Definitely isn't in place in virtually every African country.