What most makes me doubt this story is how uncontrolled the release was. Would they really release an engineered virus in China itself? If so, why Wuhan? Is it a rebellious region or something?
I have no problem believing that China would try to develop a flu-like virus that can do huge economic damage to their enemies - but releasing it on the Chinese population intentionally because what, they know we're cucks and would refuse to close our borders in time to prevent it going global? I think that's too much of a hail mary even for the CCP.
Regardless of whether this virus was developed or merely isolated from a population of bats, I think it's much more likely that a sample merely leaked from a lab because their standards are shit.
I don't believe the woman personally and I think that's why it's being pulled because the Left know that it is not in their interests for a story like this to exist and that it will fall apart from scrutiny - even Tucker is having to hold in a laugh at how crazy she sounds.
That all said, I'm not against the idea that the virus was purposefully created in a lab and somehow got out right before Chinese New Year when a lot of the population of China travel far and wide on crammed vehicles to their home towns or abroad to celebrate.
Some ayi will probably have went into a room market "DO NOT ENTER" and done some dusting or mopping and will have carried the virus out into the wider world because sheer incompetence within many ayis is commonplace.
It certainly could be more nefarious than that, but I don't think this virologist from Hong Kong has any proof to support that at the moment.
What most makes me doubt this story is how uncontrolled the release was. Would they really release an engineered virus in China itself? If so, why Wuhan? Is it a rebellious region or something?
I have no problem believing that China would try to develop a flu-like virus that can do huge economic damage to their enemies - but releasing it on the Chinese population intentionally because what, they know we're cucks and would refuse to close our borders in time to prevent it going global? I think that's too much of a hail mary even for the CCP.
Regardless of whether this virus was developed or merely isolated from a population of bats, I think it's much more likely that a sample merely leaked from a lab because their standards are shit.
I don't believe the woman personally and I think that's why it's being pulled because the Left know that it is not in their interests for a story like this to exist and that it will fall apart from scrutiny - even Tucker is having to hold in a laugh at how crazy she sounds.
That all said, I'm not against the idea that the virus was purposefully created in a lab and somehow got out right before Chinese New Year when a lot of the population of China travel far and wide on crammed vehicles to their home towns or abroad to celebrate.
Some ayi will probably have went into a room market "DO NOT ENTER" and done some dusting or mopping and will have carried the virus out into the wider world because sheer incompetence within many ayis is commonplace.
It certainly could be more nefarious than that, but I don't think this virologist from Hong Kong has any proof to support that at the moment.