"The Black Studies program boasts a number of working groups available to students, including the “Race and Capitalism Project,”"
So it is divisive and helps push anti-capitalism but at least I am sure it gives an objective perspective and not full blown indoctrination.
The optimistic scenario is that it becomes way to obvious and it will backfire.
The pessimistic scenario is any who does not agree with this ideas is going to be denied education and job opportunities and in the end forced to do menial jobs.
I like how the left thinks they are the good guys in all of this.
If I went to Chicago right now the only class I'd be interested in is how to get the fuck out.
Let the higher education institutions collapse under their weight and make them pay every dollar back to the cities they helped destroy with their indoctrination.
So it is divisive and helps push anti-capitalism but at least I am sure it gives an objective perspective and not full blown indoctrination.
The optimistic scenario is that it becomes way to obvious and it will backfire. The pessimistic scenario is any who does not agree with this ideas is going to be denied education and job opportunities and in the end forced to do menial jobs.
I like how the left thinks they are the good guys in all of this.
A peaceful way out of this is seeeming less likely by the day.
So, they looked all the Marxist work they want done, said "How can we get this done for free?" and immediately decided on black people.
If I went to Chicago right now the only class I'd be interested in is how to get the fuck out.
Let the higher education institutions collapse under their weight and make them pay every dollar back to the cities they helped destroy with their indoctrination.