posted ago by ThatYellowBastard ago by ThatYellowBastard +21 / -0

I know Jon Stewart is pretty unpopular for how he contributed to the current culture of news as entertainment, but I always felt his testimony before Congress on the plight of NYC first responders to be quite honest and powerful.

A moving piece from The New Yorker titled "The Real Heroes are Dead" (2002) celebrating the life of patriot Rick Rescorla who gave his life to save his coworkers.

9/11 (2002) a documentary by two brothers about a firefighting unit in NYC which turned into some of the best first person footage of the event. Bitchute link because Youtube removed it for being too long.

I don't really have a good link for this, but I recently passed through Gander, Newfoundland, Canada, an icy, small, and isolated airport that took in several dozen aircraft that were forced to land in the wake of the attacks and the need to clear and secure US airspace. The citizens of Gander took over 6000 people into their homes and fed them until flights were available again. It was just a surreal experience to be there.

Again, I don't have a link, but Joe Rogan had a guest on who stated that they never want another 9/11, but they would give anything to have the America we had on 9/12.

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