Are the lefties running these "simulations" assuming that just because the state governor secedes that the population of that state goes along with it? Because I can't speak for the entire country, but that assumption does not hold on the West Coast.
The West Coast: Very very red, except in a few large cities. Somehow, the people in the large cities haven't noticed that they are totally surrounded by republicans who grow their food and maintain their roads.
This is a good reason, btw, why cities over a certain size should be considered city-states and not contribute to the states political process.
Are the lefties running these "simulations" assuming that just because the state governor secedes that the population of that state goes along with it? Because I can't speak for the entire country, but that assumption does not hold on the West Coast.
The West Coast: Very very red, except in a few large cities. Somehow, the people in the large cities haven't noticed that they are totally surrounded by republicans who grow their food and maintain their roads.
This is a good reason, btw, why cities over a certain size should be considered city-states and not contribute to the states political process.
Sheriffs will draw the borders.