Because in its "select all pictures containing a car" it had a picture of a woman getting locked in a car trunk and I'm not sure I'm OK with a captcha whose image base appears to include crimes in progress.
(I admit, it's probably the VPN setting it off in the first place, but some of these images are kinda... odd.)
EDIT: So I got the laptop off the corporate network and off VPN and the captchas went away. Must be that, and it must be new since it wasn't doing that yesterday under the same conditions. Anyway, thanks for the thoughts on the issue, it's most appreciated!
(Still, where the hell do they get their images from?)
I've never had an issue using a VPN. With that said...
I do find it concerning and vexing that a lot of conservative-leaning sites that should probably be trying to make it easier to access using a VPN or Tor aren't doing so. I get that attacks are an issue, but accessibility is too.
I think is just about the worst, though. The captcha flows outside of the page on mobile making it impossible to solve, and seems to come up often when using a VPN.