So for those who are out of the loop, r/ActualPublicFreakouts formed from the frustration of non-public freakouts were becoming more common on the original subreddit. As of late there has become a more noticeable shift in what types of posts get to the top of the pages. I've also seen comments in passing the past few months accusing r/ActualPublicFreakouts being full of racist nazis in other subreddits.
The question is how long before a move to censor or outright ban the spin off subreddit since the political and cultural shift goes against the Reddit group think.
Why would I care what percentage of missing chromosome genetic failures is slightly more or less savage than the other savages.
Except your citing one country, one time, one place, one culture. 50% of the population of every society through time and space engaging in 90% or more of all violent behavior, and nearly 100% of the most heinous violent behavior, is a far stronger corollary. Worse, controlling for factors like education, wealth, culture, status, IQ, and even family upbringing still doesn't change the disparity. Choose whatever category you want. When you start controlling for factors like that, the disparity of violence flattens out with only two exceptions: age and sex. Sex being the stronger corollary of the two by far.
Nope, the strongest corollary of all is sex. Not family. This isn't arguable, it's genetic.
No need to. Men need to learn how to live in a civilized society. Someone's gonna tell them no, so they're gonna just have to learn how to not rape a woman when she says "No." That is the most dangerous thing a woman can say: "No", to a man. Around men, never relax.
So that what? So that If black men were to become less violent you could then deflect your entire gender's collective responsibility onto another race? Or another political affiliation? Or a religion? The problem isn't one race, or one ideology, or one philosophy. It's one sex. Just because a black man won't rape a woman, doesn't mean a white man won't take his place the first chance he gets. Stop deflecting responsibility for the crimes of your sex by blaming one group of men more than another, especially when no group of men is less violent than any group of women.
Oh god he's so close to getting it...
You're a troll. No one could be this obtuse. Good job, had me fooled for a minute there.
I'm not a troll, I'm just presenting the same with a different category. You're flailing against an argument that has the same identitarian structure as all the alt-right ones. The only reason you don't agree with it, is because it's targeting a demographic you'd rather not target.
You can't just bicker about sub-groups, when the entire point is to target an abstract intertemporal category. You're just choosing which category to target, rather than recognizing that the whole argument is invalid.